Tuesday 16 December 2008

How Often Do You Masturbate?

How often do you masturbate?

I (Bunny), usually masturbate on a daily basis. Sometimes I'll masturbate more than once a day. If I go for more than a few days without masturbating then I'll have really sexy dreams which involve either having sex with someone or masturbating. I've masturbated this frequently since I can remember, certainly since I was 21 (I'm now 35).

I've recently been ill with a bad cold and so haven't masturbated for several days; the malaise that came with the cold has killed-off my desire too.

When Kitty was on the contraceptive pill, she found it incredible that Bunny masturbated so frequently. She just couldn't comprehend why anyone would want to masturbate so much - just what was the appeal? Then she came off the pill and realised what she'd been missing. She now masturbates on an almost daily basis. Before she used to masturbate only when she had her period each month (i.e. when she wasn't taking the pill).

I find that sexual desire has a cycle; some months I can go for a week or so without masturbating. I'll then have a stint of feeling exceptionally randy and can't get enough, and masturbate several times a day. Although increased sexual desire in women has been associated with the peak of hormones during ovulation (which evens out after the menopause and also when taking the contraceptive pill), I don't find that my desire is a slave to such peaks. I can be at my randiest just before my period, and my desire may or may not increase during my fertile peaks.

Masturbation has lots of health benefits; it can improve immunity, help us to relax and relieve pain. It's also a regular and consistent source of pleasure. For these reasons, we're big fans of it, and don't think anybody should stint on it. We realise though that it's an entirely personal thing; how often is down to your own preferences. We've created a poll to see the masturbation habits of other women and invite you to participate - all answers are anonymous. We'll write about the results when the poll closes in a few month's time.

1 comment:

Kitty & Bunny Bush said...

Thanks for your feedback; we appreciate hearing from you and we're glad you're enjoying it.