Sunday 30 November 2008

The Guilty Secret

If you get a roomful of women friends together, soon or later the subject will get on to sex. They'll happily swap tips, frequently go into graphic details about their latest sexual exploits, and discuss what they do and don't like in bed. But the focus will remain on couple sex; solo sex will probably never get a mention.

When it comes to masturbation, we're still in the suppressed Fifties. It's like some guilty secret we carry around. Even though nearly all women masturbate; we still pretend as if we don't. Which is a shame. The more something remains hidden, the less accepted it is in society.

Ann Summers parties are a time when masturbation is alluded to. When the vibrators are being passed round, women will occasionally drop hints about the virtues of a particular vibrator. Again, it's covert. Masturbation is still not openly discussed. Something that has the potential to give us a huge amount of pleasure, relaxation, pain relief, and improve our health and sex lives, is still a taboo subject.

In British primary schools today, boys will be given sex education that includes wanking, whereas girls will not be told anything about female masturbation.

Therefore, we'd like to encourage you to breach the subject with close friends; the more comfortable people become with female masturbation, the quicker it'll find acceptance in society as the normal and natural act that it is.

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