Monday 10 November 2008

Female Masturbation to Ease Pain

If you suffer from menstrual cramps, then masturbation during this time can help ease the pain as it increases circulation in the pelvic area. Exercise can also help; if you don't feel like anything too vigorous, try a brisk walk - once the circulation and lymph get moving, you'll feel much better. Likewise anything which constricts the capillaries will make the pain worse - which is why smokers tend to suffer more than non-smokers. [If I was a health worker, I'd tell all of my female patients this to discourage them from smoking; future illness and looking old-before-your-time do not register with teenagers, but monthly pain might.]

I've also heard that masturbation prior to a migraine can help prevent a full-blown attack, however, as I do not suffer from migraines (thankfully!), I cannot vouch for the effectiveness of this. If you happen to suffer from migraines, and you have my every sympathy if you do, you may wish to try masturbating when you feel one coming on.

Masturbation can help you to relax and orgasm releases 'happy' chemicals into the brain; so use it to help you unwind after a stressful day.

Good circulation is essential for every organ of your body, including your genitals. Therefore, by masturbating on a regular basis, you are increasing the blood supply to these organs, and therefore keeping them healthy.

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