Sunday 19 October 2008

Bush Exploring with Meditation

I've been enjoying 'Sex for One' by Betty Dodson. It's a fascinating account of her sexual history and how she helped other women (and men) become orgasmic through her workshops (and later earned a Ph.D. for her work in this field).

In a later chapter she mentions how she experimented with Transcendental Meditation - repeating a word or phrase as a mantra. She then incorporated this into her masturbation sessions with staggering results.

Curious, I decided to give it a go this morning and repeated the word "I" whilst bush exploring at the same time. I came after only a short time and my orgasm was incredibly intense and long-lasting.

The theory is that the mind state of meditation is similar to that during masturbation; so incorporating meditation allows you to more quickly reach the mind state necessary for orgasm. Also, concentrating on a mantra prevents your mind from wandering onto turn-off things like:

1) the mundane, such as doing the shopping;
2) fretting about any stressful situations you may have in your life;
3) feeling frustrated that you haven't come yet!

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