When I was in my early teens and not yet sexually active or masturbating, I read somewhere that a certain percentage of women were physically incapable of reaching orgasm. Guess who subsequently struggled to reach orgasm and therefore worried that she fell into this category?!
This fear that I was one of those doomed women who couldn't orgasm, meant that I was always uptight during sex and whilst masturbating. This is because I was constantly worrying about whether I would orgasm or not, which increased the likelihood that I wouldn't come and therefore reinforced my belief.
It took me many years of masturbation for me to easily reach orgasm. I learnt to relax. I learnt to stop worrying about whether I would come or not and just enjoy what I was feeling. The more I stopped focusing on the fact that I found it hard to orgasm, the easier I came, and eventually I was able to break my self-sabotaging belief.
I wish I Love Female Orgasm by Dorian Solot and Marshall Miller had been published when I was a teenager, because reading it would have saved me years of worry and frustration. Apparently, the number of women who really are physically incapable of reaching orgasm is minuscule. Which means you're highly unlikely to be one of them.
According to Shere Hite in The Hite Report, the majority of women who had never reached orgasm were under thirty. (Women reach their sexual peak around 36-years-of-age.) So there is at least one compensation for getting older! It also means that if you're currently in your twenties or younger and struggling to orgasm, you will eventually get there. Although I realise this is little comfort now, if the worry that you can't orgasm is contributing to your being inorgasmic, then it may help you to relax and thus enjoy sex/masturbation more.
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Female Masturbation Workshops - Would You Attend One?
Back in the 60s/70s/80s Betty Dodson (author of Sex for One) conducted masturbation workshops in the USA, first for women and then, due to popular request, for men.
In these workshops, the dozen or so women would gather together in Dodson's lounge for a weekend and masturbate as a group. The aim was for the women to become more comfortable with their bodies, masturbating and discussing masturbation. As a group they would share what worked for them and what didn't; being able to swap tips meant they could try new things. Dodson didn't perceive masturbation as a poor substitute for sex; she saw it as an essential part of female sexuality. The workshops were hugely popular and Dodson continued running them for many years before calling it a day.
I can't think of anything currently running in the UK which comes anywhere close to this type of class. The nearest I can think of is a Tantric Sex workshop I heard about several years ago; unfortunately the workshop leader wasn't somebody I felt remotely comfortable with and so wasn't even tempted to try it.
I can't decide whether I would be willing to attend such a workshop, should one be available. Part of me is scared by the prospect - masturbation, like sex, is a personal and intimate thing - not something I'm usually willing to perform in front of strangers (even if those strangers are all women). Another part of me would value the availability of such workshops; they help to break down the walls of intimacy-aloofness women can have between themselves. I crave closeness and yet find it hard sometimes to get this need met with women friends. Done well, I think these workshops would help to bring female masturbation out of the closet. Masturbation is natural and normal, but at this point in time, we're still ashamed of it. Done poorly though, the sudden exposure of female masturbation in the media could undo much of the acceptance of this act, which has been so hard won over the decades.
Would you attend a masturbation workshop if it was run by a woman, and whom was deemed by you to be both trustworthy and qualified?
If there is anything you would like to add to this post, your contribution is welcomed in the comments section.
In these workshops, the dozen or so women would gather together in Dodson's lounge for a weekend and masturbate as a group. The aim was for the women to become more comfortable with their bodies, masturbating and discussing masturbation. As a group they would share what worked for them and what didn't; being able to swap tips meant they could try new things. Dodson didn't perceive masturbation as a poor substitute for sex; she saw it as an essential part of female sexuality. The workshops were hugely popular and Dodson continued running them for many years before calling it a day.
I can't think of anything currently running in the UK which comes anywhere close to this type of class. The nearest I can think of is a Tantric Sex workshop I heard about several years ago; unfortunately the workshop leader wasn't somebody I felt remotely comfortable with and so wasn't even tempted to try it.
I can't decide whether I would be willing to attend such a workshop, should one be available. Part of me is scared by the prospect - masturbation, like sex, is a personal and intimate thing - not something I'm usually willing to perform in front of strangers (even if those strangers are all women). Another part of me would value the availability of such workshops; they help to break down the walls of intimacy-aloofness women can have between themselves. I crave closeness and yet find it hard sometimes to get this need met with women friends. Done well, I think these workshops would help to bring female masturbation out of the closet. Masturbation is natural and normal, but at this point in time, we're still ashamed of it. Done poorly though, the sudden exposure of female masturbation in the media could undo much of the acceptance of this act, which has been so hard won over the decades.
Would you attend a masturbation workshop if it was run by a woman, and whom was deemed by you to be both trustworthy and qualified?
If there is anything you would like to add to this post, your contribution is welcomed in the comments section.
betty dodson,
sex for one
Monday, 29 December 2008
If Humans Had Tails...
If you've never bemoaned Homo sapiens's loss of its tail, now is the time to do so! Remember the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle we talked about in an earlier post, and that its strengthening at any opportune moment (supermarket queue/line, traffic jam, etc.), would bring a bigger smile to your orgasming face? Well, if we humans still had tails, we'd be able to wag our way to better orgasms!
No wonder dogs are always so happy!
No wonder dogs are always so happy!
female orgasm,
I Love Female Orgasm,
Kitty and Bunny
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Female Masturbation - A Poor Substitute for Sex or an Essential Part of Female Sexuality?
Up until recently I viewed masturbation as a poor substitute for sex. It was something I did to keep the 'hysteria'* at bay whilst I was in between partners. Okay, given it has helped me to understand what makes me come and what doesn't, but I still saw it as 'second best' to the 'real thing'.
Whilst I still love sex, I'm starting to view masturbation as something I would do in conjunction with regular sex (I have a high sex drive, untempered as it is, by the contraceptive pill). I see now that I can enjoy both - each would fulfil different needs.
It's interesting that whilst half of women report reaching orgasm every time through masturbation, this falls to only a quarter every time from intercourse. Therefore, masturbation can still be seen as important for women in a relationship. If they don't masturbate, they may easily suffer from sexual frustration because sex is not providing orgasmic relief.
Masturbation is a readily available source of self-love. Sometimes you may want orgasmic release without having sex, and masturbation provides the ideal aid.
Masturbation can also serve another use: Allowing your partner to watch you masturbate sometimes, may allow him/her to understand what turns you on better. Ditto for you.
*Historically, hysteria was the diagnosis given to women who were, essentially, suffering from sexual frustration. A physician would manually bring them to orgasm using his fingers, until the invention of the vibrator, which was developed specifically as an aid to these physicians.
Whilst I still love sex, I'm starting to view masturbation as something I would do in conjunction with regular sex (I have a high sex drive, untempered as it is, by the contraceptive pill). I see now that I can enjoy both - each would fulfil different needs.
It's interesting that whilst half of women report reaching orgasm every time through masturbation, this falls to only a quarter every time from intercourse. Therefore, masturbation can still be seen as important for women in a relationship. If they don't masturbate, they may easily suffer from sexual frustration because sex is not providing orgasmic relief.
Masturbation is a readily available source of self-love. Sometimes you may want orgasmic release without having sex, and masturbation provides the ideal aid.
Masturbation can also serve another use: Allowing your partner to watch you masturbate sometimes, may allow him/her to understand what turns you on better. Ditto for you.
*Historically, hysteria was the diagnosis given to women who were, essentially, suffering from sexual frustration. A physician would manually bring them to orgasm using his fingers, until the invention of the vibrator, which was developed specifically as an aid to these physicians.
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Kegel's Orgasmic Patients
Stay with me on this one. Dr Arnold Kegel developed exercises for strengthening the pubococcygeus muscle (mercifully shortened to PC muscle), for women suffering with urinary incontinence after childbirth. His name may have been rememebered only by gynaecology students, had his patients not discovered a startling side-effect of their diligence. Women who regularly practised his exercises were rewarded with increased sexual gratification. Meaning...
They had more orgasms!
They had more intense orgasms!
Women who before had been unable to orgasm found they were now able to come!
The great thing about Kegel exercises is that you can do them anytime, anywhere. On the bus, stuck in a traffic jam, in a boring meeting, in the supermarket queue [line], whilst filling your car up, whilst masturbating, etc.
You will get the best results if you do them on a regular basis, which means remembering to do them. We find it helpful to link performing them with something we do already do. For example, Bunny likes to perform them whilst masturbating (which she does most days), because they make her orgasms better at the same time. If you get stuck in a traffic jam on your way home from work each day, you might want to make this time more productive and practise Kegeling. Find an occasion that works for you.
So, how do you Kegel?
To locate the PC muscle, simply stop the stream of urine next time you're on the toilet. This is the muscle you'll be working on. A word of caution: Once you've located the muscle this way, don't use each visit to the bathroom as your practise session; because repeatedly stopping-starting the stream of urine can (we understand) contribute to bladder infections.
Now that you've located the PC muscle, there are different 'exercise routines'(!) you can try:
1. Quick squeezes: quickly squeeze the PC muscle 15 times, then pause for 30 seconds and repeat. The first time you do it, perform 15 reps. The aim is to work your way up to 100 reps, twice a day.
2. Slow hold and release: slowly tighten the muscle and hold it for 5 seconds, then release slowly. Aim for eventually 25 reps twice a day.
3. Thirds: tighten the muscle one third of the way, pause, then squeeze until two thirds of the way, pause, then squeeze until all the way. Aim for 10 reps twice a day.
The idea is to make Kegeling fun for yourself, because let's face it, if you don't enjoy the act, you're not going to do them, no matter what promises of mind-blowing orgasms we tempt you with.
If you're completely unmoved by the thought of Kegeling, try squeezing your vibrator with your PC muscles next time you masturbate - you never know, the Earth may move (go on, allow me the pun). :)
They had more orgasms!
They had more intense orgasms!
Women who before had been unable to orgasm found they were now able to come!
The great thing about Kegel exercises is that you can do them anytime, anywhere. On the bus, stuck in a traffic jam, in a boring meeting, in the supermarket queue [line], whilst filling your car up, whilst masturbating, etc.
You will get the best results if you do them on a regular basis, which means remembering to do them. We find it helpful to link performing them with something we do already do. For example, Bunny likes to perform them whilst masturbating (which she does most days), because they make her orgasms better at the same time. If you get stuck in a traffic jam on your way home from work each day, you might want to make this time more productive and practise Kegeling. Find an occasion that works for you.
So, how do you Kegel?
To locate the PC muscle, simply stop the stream of urine next time you're on the toilet. This is the muscle you'll be working on. A word of caution: Once you've located the muscle this way, don't use each visit to the bathroom as your practise session; because repeatedly stopping-starting the stream of urine can (we understand) contribute to bladder infections.
Now that you've located the PC muscle, there are different 'exercise routines'(!) you can try:
1. Quick squeezes: quickly squeeze the PC muscle 15 times, then pause for 30 seconds and repeat. The first time you do it, perform 15 reps. The aim is to work your way up to 100 reps, twice a day.
2. Slow hold and release: slowly tighten the muscle and hold it for 5 seconds, then release slowly. Aim for eventually 25 reps twice a day.
3. Thirds: tighten the muscle one third of the way, pause, then squeeze until two thirds of the way, pause, then squeeze until all the way. Aim for 10 reps twice a day.
The idea is to make Kegeling fun for yourself, because let's face it, if you don't enjoy the act, you're not going to do them, no matter what promises of mind-blowing orgasms we tempt you with.
If you're completely unmoved by the thought of Kegeling, try squeezing your vibrator with your PC muscles next time you masturbate - you never know, the Earth may move (go on, allow me the pun). :)
female orgasm,
tips for achieving orgasm
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Is Female Masturbation Evil?
I'm not clear why masturbation is still seen as wrong by religious orders. I realise the story of Onan in the Bible is used to condemn masturbation and, by the Catholic Church, sex without procreation. [Which to me smacks of a supposedly loving and merciful god killing two people for having independent thought.] However, biblical scholars view the killing of the two brothers Onan and Er to be an eponymous etiological myth - i.e. it didn't really happen as described, but is really meant to allude to the dying out of a clan. I'm no biblical scholar, but that to me rules out the connection between Onan and masturbation.
I'm not keen on the word evil, as I believe that all human actions are performed in an attempt to meet universal human needs (e.g. love, autonomy, independence, trust, honesty, etc. - for a full list, I overwhelmingly recommend the life-changing book Non-violent Communication: A Language of Life by Marshall B. Rosenberg Ph.D.); however, the strategy used to try and meet those needs may be tragic. For clarity, I'm not condoning anything that harms people (murder, rape, theft, etc.), I'm simply saying that I don't think labelling these actions as evil is helpful. I realise this is a radical way of viewing the world, so if you're interested, I recommend reading Rosenberg's book (above).
So, coming from this angle, we can simply ask, "Is masturbation harmful to me?"
Let's take a look:
Does masturbation cause physical harm?
Contrary to popular myth, masturbation does not make you go blind or insane, cause acne, or make hairs grow on the palms of your hands.
In reality, the opposite is true - masturbation is physically good for you. It improves immunity, increases circulation, helps you to relax, and releases feel-good hormones into the bloodstream.
Does masturbation give rise to sexually transmitted diseases?
Masturbation is the safest form of sex. You can't transmit any kind of STD to yourself from masturbation, unless you're already infected. For example, if you have a cold sore on your mouth (oral herpes), don't touch it and then masturbate without washing your hands first, as you'll give yourself genital herpes (for the same reason, don't give your partner oral sex if you have a cold sore).
You also can't get pregnant from masturbation, which makes me wonder why it isn't included in all of the sex education programs.
Will masturbation prevent you from enjoying sex?
Masturbation can help you to enjoy sex more; the more you learn about what turns you on and what doesn't, the easier it'll be to convey to your partner what you do and don't like. Meaning, the more you understand what makes you come (and, just as importantly, what prevents you from coming); the more likely you are to orgasm.
Is masturbation harmful to anyone else?
Unless you're masturbating in front of a minor, or inflicting the act upon an unwilling adult viewer, we can't see how it can be harmful to anyone else.
I'm not keen on the word evil, as I believe that all human actions are performed in an attempt to meet universal human needs (e.g. love, autonomy, independence, trust, honesty, etc. - for a full list, I overwhelmingly recommend the life-changing book Non-violent Communication: A Language of Life by Marshall B. Rosenberg Ph.D.); however, the strategy used to try and meet those needs may be tragic. For clarity, I'm not condoning anything that harms people (murder, rape, theft, etc.), I'm simply saying that I don't think labelling these actions as evil is helpful. I realise this is a radical way of viewing the world, so if you're interested, I recommend reading Rosenberg's book (above).
So, coming from this angle, we can simply ask, "Is masturbation harmful to me?"
Let's take a look:
Does masturbation cause physical harm?
Contrary to popular myth, masturbation does not make you go blind or insane, cause acne, or make hairs grow on the palms of your hands.
In reality, the opposite is true - masturbation is physically good for you. It improves immunity, increases circulation, helps you to relax, and releases feel-good hormones into the bloodstream.
Does masturbation give rise to sexually transmitted diseases?
Masturbation is the safest form of sex. You can't transmit any kind of STD to yourself from masturbation, unless you're already infected. For example, if you have a cold sore on your mouth (oral herpes), don't touch it and then masturbate without washing your hands first, as you'll give yourself genital herpes (for the same reason, don't give your partner oral sex if you have a cold sore).
You also can't get pregnant from masturbation, which makes me wonder why it isn't included in all of the sex education programs.
Will masturbation prevent you from enjoying sex?
Masturbation can help you to enjoy sex more; the more you learn about what turns you on and what doesn't, the easier it'll be to convey to your partner what you do and don't like. Meaning, the more you understand what makes you come (and, just as importantly, what prevents you from coming); the more likely you are to orgasm.
Is masturbation harmful to anyone else?
Unless you're masturbating in front of a minor, or inflicting the act upon an unwilling adult viewer, we can't see how it can be harmful to anyone else.
health benefits,
masturbation myths
Friday, 19 December 2008
Body Image & Orgasms
Do you like your own body? Does looking at it bring you pleasure or do you stare critically at it, only seeing what you perceive as faults?
I don't know about you, but I grew-up with a very poor body image; obese as a child, I was picked on at school about my weight. This led me to hate my body as an adolescent. It has taken me many years to accept myself; helped by a healthy diet and exercising through enjoyable hobbies (dancing and martial arts). As an aside: If you've never managed to stick to an exercise routine, chances are you were going to the gym and/or doing a form of exercise for the sake of exercising; rather than something which you enjoyed doing, but which just so happened to involve exercise as well. I learnt this tip from male friends; why punish yourself through exercise when you can have a good time instead? Clever huh?! [This is possibly one of the reasons why there are fewer obese men than women.]
As for a healthy diet, I'm convinced most dieters fail because they've been tricked into believing that they can still eat 'treats', but just not as often. Some people have the willpower required to only occasionally eat calorie-laden nutrient-empty foods. Most people do not fall into this category. Try giving-up junk foods for good and you will eventually lose the taste for them. The reason why you currently crave them is because they are loaded with salt and sugar. Oh, and the reason why you crave food in general is because your body is crying-out for nutrients, so eating nutrient-dense foods will help curb these cravings.
Anyway, I digress... If we're loony enough to compare ourselves to images of airbrushed supermodels, we are, of course, doomed to measure-up short. With the resultant anguish this causes. This matters not only because of the negative impact it has on our self-esteem, but also because a poor body image can prevent us from enjoying sex. If, during a bit of horizontal jogging (yes, you can include sex in your exercise quotient), all you can focus on is how big your thighs are, don't be surprised if you don't orgasm. Orgasms come to those who focus on the sensations of pleasure, not to body-obsessed worry worts.
Yes, it's unfair. Believe me, I know.
Masturbation can help to shift your focus from 'how big your thighs are' to what feels good. Hopefully, if no one else is looking at you, your negative self-talk may be quietened a little, and you may be able to reach orgasm.
Has this helped?
I don't know about you, but I grew-up with a very poor body image; obese as a child, I was picked on at school about my weight. This led me to hate my body as an adolescent. It has taken me many years to accept myself; helped by a healthy diet and exercising through enjoyable hobbies (dancing and martial arts). As an aside: If you've never managed to stick to an exercise routine, chances are you were going to the gym and/or doing a form of exercise for the sake of exercising; rather than something which you enjoyed doing, but which just so happened to involve exercise as well. I learnt this tip from male friends; why punish yourself through exercise when you can have a good time instead? Clever huh?! [This is possibly one of the reasons why there are fewer obese men than women.]
As for a healthy diet, I'm convinced most dieters fail because they've been tricked into believing that they can still eat 'treats', but just not as often. Some people have the willpower required to only occasionally eat calorie-laden nutrient-empty foods. Most people do not fall into this category. Try giving-up junk foods for good and you will eventually lose the taste for them. The reason why you currently crave them is because they are loaded with salt and sugar. Oh, and the reason why you crave food in general is because your body is crying-out for nutrients, so eating nutrient-dense foods will help curb these cravings.
Anyway, I digress... If we're loony enough to compare ourselves to images of airbrushed supermodels, we are, of course, doomed to measure-up short. With the resultant anguish this causes. This matters not only because of the negative impact it has on our self-esteem, but also because a poor body image can prevent us from enjoying sex. If, during a bit of horizontal jogging (yes, you can include sex in your exercise quotient), all you can focus on is how big your thighs are, don't be surprised if you don't orgasm. Orgasms come to those who focus on the sensations of pleasure, not to body-obsessed worry worts.
Yes, it's unfair. Believe me, I know.
Masturbation can help to shift your focus from 'how big your thighs are' to what feels good. Hopefully, if no one else is looking at you, your negative self-talk may be quietened a little, and you may be able to reach orgasm.
Has this helped?
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Vibrator Addiction
Are you addicted to your vibrator?
Actually, the questions should be, "Is it possible to get addicted to your vibrator?"
I can confirm that Kitty is totally addicted in every way and that yes, you can get addicted to your vibrator and there's no known cure, other than to do what the Mormons say and give up masturbation forever. Sorry about that.
I am, of course, joking!
By addiction to their vibrator, women mean that if they become accustomed to orgasming by using one, will this mean they can't orgasm any other way? This myth has been making the rounds and so we thought the has come time to quash it.
Studies have shown that most women who use vibrators can still orgasm through other forms of stimulation. However, if you can only orgasm using a vibrator, or it's your favourite way to come, not to worry, you could simply incorporate the vibrator into your sex life for the rest of your days. There is no rule to say that you can't.
If, having used a vibrator, you find it harder to come with the help of a hand or tongue, stop using the vibrator for a while and give your body time to readjust to these subtler sensations.
Your orgasm will vary depending on the type of stimulation. However, direct stimulation of the genitals isn't the only turn-on; erotic thoughts, dressing-up, dominant sex, etc., can all help to tip you over the edge. Which means that whilst you may need a vibrator during masturbation, your partner may provide additional turn-ons, allowing you to come from the subtler stimulation of fingers/tongue.
Actually, the questions should be, "Is it possible to get addicted to your vibrator?"
I can confirm that Kitty is totally addicted in every way and that yes, you can get addicted to your vibrator and there's no known cure, other than to do what the Mormons say and give up masturbation forever. Sorry about that.
I am, of course, joking!
By addiction to their vibrator, women mean that if they become accustomed to orgasming by using one, will this mean they can't orgasm any other way? This myth has been making the rounds and so we thought the has come time to quash it.
Studies have shown that most women who use vibrators can still orgasm through other forms of stimulation. However, if you can only orgasm using a vibrator, or it's your favourite way to come, not to worry, you could simply incorporate the vibrator into your sex life for the rest of your days. There is no rule to say that you can't.
If, having used a vibrator, you find it harder to come with the help of a hand or tongue, stop using the vibrator for a while and give your body time to readjust to these subtler sensations.
Your orgasm will vary depending on the type of stimulation. However, direct stimulation of the genitals isn't the only turn-on; erotic thoughts, dressing-up, dominant sex, etc., can all help to tip you over the edge. Which means that whilst you may need a vibrator during masturbation, your partner may provide additional turn-ons, allowing you to come from the subtler stimulation of fingers/tongue.
female orgasm,
masturbation myths,
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Would You Masturbate in Front of Your Female Friends?
Would you masturbate in front of your female friends? A lot of women are happy masturbating in front of their boyfriend/partner/husband, but what about their female friends? We're not talking about so they can watch, unless that is something which you want to do, we're simply talking about two heterosexual women masturbating at the same time, in the same room.
We're not suggesting you suddenly start masturbating whilst one of your friends is round, that is, inflicting it upon an unwilling participant; we're talking about two women agreeing to masturbate in the same room.
It's something that we've recently started doing. It started off that we'd talk about masturbation, then talk about when we'd masturbated and our experience of that particular orgasm, and then we'd happen to be together when we were both feeling randy. So, we'd begin masturbating at the same time, but in different rooms, and then wait until the other person had finished. Until one day Bunny suggested doing it in the same room; we don't watch each other, that's not what this is about for us. It's simply a way of sharing more intimacy. We then snuggle afterwards. It's more intimacy that we as women can easily share; it makes masturbation even less of a taboo and we think it's important to break-down this wall of fear associated with masturbation. We think the more women become comfortable doing it in front of their female friends, the faster masturbation will be viewed as the normal act which it is, and the sooner masturbation taboos will disappear from society.
We're not suggesting you suddenly start masturbating whilst one of your friends is round, that is, inflicting it upon an unwilling participant; we're talking about two women agreeing to masturbate in the same room.
It's something that we've recently started doing. It started off that we'd talk about masturbation, then talk about when we'd masturbated and our experience of that particular orgasm, and then we'd happen to be together when we were both feeling randy. So, we'd begin masturbating at the same time, but in different rooms, and then wait until the other person had finished. Until one day Bunny suggested doing it in the same room; we don't watch each other, that's not what this is about for us. It's simply a way of sharing more intimacy. We then snuggle afterwards. It's more intimacy that we as women can easily share; it makes masturbation even less of a taboo and we think it's important to break-down this wall of fear associated with masturbation. We think the more women become comfortable doing it in front of their female friends, the faster masturbation will be viewed as the normal act which it is, and the sooner masturbation taboos will disappear from society.
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
How Often Do You Masturbate?
How often do you masturbate?
I (Bunny), usually masturbate on a daily basis. Sometimes I'll masturbate more than once a day. If I go for more than a few days without masturbating then I'll have really sexy dreams which involve either having sex with someone or masturbating. I've masturbated this frequently since I can remember, certainly since I was 21 (I'm now 35).
I've recently been ill with a bad cold and so haven't masturbated for several days; the malaise that came with the cold has killed-off my desire too.
When Kitty was on the contraceptive pill, she found it incredible that Bunny masturbated so frequently. She just couldn't comprehend why anyone would want to masturbate so much - just what was the appeal? Then she came off the pill and realised what she'd been missing. She now masturbates on an almost daily basis. Before she used to masturbate only when she had her period each month (i.e. when she wasn't taking the pill).
I find that sexual desire has a cycle; some months I can go for a week or so without masturbating. I'll then have a stint of feeling exceptionally randy and can't get enough, and masturbate several times a day. Although increased sexual desire in women has been associated with the peak of hormones during ovulation (which evens out after the menopause and also when taking the contraceptive pill), I don't find that my desire is a slave to such peaks. I can be at my randiest just before my period, and my desire may or may not increase during my fertile peaks.
Masturbation has lots of health benefits; it can improve immunity, help us to relax and relieve pain. It's also a regular and consistent source of pleasure. For these reasons, we're big fans of it, and don't think anybody should stint on it. We realise though that it's an entirely personal thing; how often is down to your own preferences. We've created a poll to see the masturbation habits of other women and invite you to participate - all answers are anonymous. We'll write about the results when the poll closes in a few month's time.
I (Bunny), usually masturbate on a daily basis. Sometimes I'll masturbate more than once a day. If I go for more than a few days without masturbating then I'll have really sexy dreams which involve either having sex with someone or masturbating. I've masturbated this frequently since I can remember, certainly since I was 21 (I'm now 35).
I've recently been ill with a bad cold and so haven't masturbated for several days; the malaise that came with the cold has killed-off my desire too.
When Kitty was on the contraceptive pill, she found it incredible that Bunny masturbated so frequently. She just couldn't comprehend why anyone would want to masturbate so much - just what was the appeal? Then she came off the pill and realised what she'd been missing. She now masturbates on an almost daily basis. Before she used to masturbate only when she had her period each month (i.e. when she wasn't taking the pill).
I find that sexual desire has a cycle; some months I can go for a week or so without masturbating. I'll then have a stint of feeling exceptionally randy and can't get enough, and masturbate several times a day. Although increased sexual desire in women has been associated with the peak of hormones during ovulation (which evens out after the menopause and also when taking the contraceptive pill), I don't find that my desire is a slave to such peaks. I can be at my randiest just before my period, and my desire may or may not increase during my fertile peaks.
Masturbation has lots of health benefits; it can improve immunity, help us to relax and relieve pain. It's also a regular and consistent source of pleasure. For these reasons, we're big fans of it, and don't think anybody should stint on it. We realise though that it's an entirely personal thing; how often is down to your own preferences. We've created a poll to see the masturbation habits of other women and invite you to participate - all answers are anonymous. We'll write about the results when the poll closes in a few month's time.
contraceptive pill,
Kitty and Bunny,
Monday, 15 December 2008
Female Friendships
Women frequently drop their female friendships when a man comes along. It is the most common complaint, that a friendship once cherished is no longer nurtured by the other woman, because she got married and now doesn't have time for her friendships.
Although common, this is a foolish situation for women to get themselves into. If anything happens to their husband, if their relationship falls apart, it is their friends they'll need to turn to and yet won't have if they've failed to sustain them.
Why are women so willing to drop their female friendships when a man comes along? Is it because society doesn't view female friendships as important and therefore women get sucked into this belief? Women frequently complain that they no longer have time to spend with their female friends, but is that because they take on more than their fair share of household chores, childcare and work? What if they were to maintain firmer boundaries and not allow themselves to become overwhelmed with responsibilities? Men might not like it, but women wouldn't feel so burned out.
Being aware that it's common for women to drop their friendships when they get married, is the first step in preventing yourself from committing the same mistake. Women receive a huge amount of emotional support from their friendships and so it makes sense to maintain them, even when you get married.
Although common, this is a foolish situation for women to get themselves into. If anything happens to their husband, if their relationship falls apart, it is their friends they'll need to turn to and yet won't have if they've failed to sustain them.
Why are women so willing to drop their female friendships when a man comes along? Is it because society doesn't view female friendships as important and therefore women get sucked into this belief? Women frequently complain that they no longer have time to spend with their female friends, but is that because they take on more than their fair share of household chores, childcare and work? What if they were to maintain firmer boundaries and not allow themselves to become overwhelmed with responsibilities? Men might not like it, but women wouldn't feel so burned out.
Being aware that it's common for women to drop their friendships when they get married, is the first step in preventing yourself from committing the same mistake. Women receive a huge amount of emotional support from their friendships and so it makes sense to maintain them, even when you get married.
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Female Intimacy
How intimate are you willing to be with your female friends? Have you ever snuggled in bed with them? Maybe kissed them? There appears to be a barrier as to what is an acceptable level of intimacy for two heterosexual women to have with each other. Except we're not too keen on the word heterosexual anymore, as we prefer to see sexuality as a spectrum, rather than cut-and-dried.
Society would prefer to see any kind of sexual intimacy between two women as taboo. It's still not keen on lesbians and would rather pretend they didn't exist. Notice the eyebrows raised if two female friends choose to buy a house together. The automatic assumption is that they must be lesbians, not to mention that being a lesbian is a bad thing. Living in this kind of society, therefore, we're experimenting without any kind of guidelines in place. As we've mentioned before, we like the 'Do No Harm' code of ethics; if you're not hurting yourself, the other person or anybody else, then what happens between two consenting adults is up to them.
We do think it's important to experiment though. When women become happy sharing intimacy with each other, rather than believing it has to be kept solely with a man, they will no longer be controlled by peer pressure. When the fear of being labelled a lesbian no longer holds any fear for women, when it no longer has any kind of control over them, they can stop being bitchy towards each other in the workplace, and start supporting and empowering each other instead. In her book, The Hite Report: On Women Loving Women, Shere Hite believes women backstabbing each other is down to this fear of being seen as becoming too intimate with another woman and consequently being labelled a lesbian. Whereas if women are constantly bickering and fighting, no one is going to accuse them of such a thing.
The first step to becoming more intimate with female friends is to realise that there's nothing wrong with it. Cuddling on the settee whilst watching a film, is a perfectly acceptable way for two friends to spend time with each other. If you think this is self-evident and are already intimate with female friends, then congratulations. If the thought scares you, Why does it? Is it the fear of being labelled a lesbian that scares you? If so, realise that society uses this taboo as a very effective weapon for controlling women. If women are afraid to get their intimacy needs met with other women, they can only look to men, which keeps them locked into their reproductive role in society.
It's time for women to cast-off the fear associated with same-sex intimacy and instead treat the taboo with the contempt it deserves.
Society would prefer to see any kind of sexual intimacy between two women as taboo. It's still not keen on lesbians and would rather pretend they didn't exist. Notice the eyebrows raised if two female friends choose to buy a house together. The automatic assumption is that they must be lesbians, not to mention that being a lesbian is a bad thing. Living in this kind of society, therefore, we're experimenting without any kind of guidelines in place. As we've mentioned before, we like the 'Do No Harm' code of ethics; if you're not hurting yourself, the other person or anybody else, then what happens between two consenting adults is up to them.
We do think it's important to experiment though. When women become happy sharing intimacy with each other, rather than believing it has to be kept solely with a man, they will no longer be controlled by peer pressure. When the fear of being labelled a lesbian no longer holds any fear for women, when it no longer has any kind of control over them, they can stop being bitchy towards each other in the workplace, and start supporting and empowering each other instead. In her book, The Hite Report: On Women Loving Women, Shere Hite believes women backstabbing each other is down to this fear of being seen as becoming too intimate with another woman and consequently being labelled a lesbian. Whereas if women are constantly bickering and fighting, no one is going to accuse them of such a thing.
The first step to becoming more intimate with female friends is to realise that there's nothing wrong with it. Cuddling on the settee whilst watching a film, is a perfectly acceptable way for two friends to spend time with each other. If you think this is self-evident and are already intimate with female friends, then congratulations. If the thought scares you, Why does it? Is it the fear of being labelled a lesbian that scares you? If so, realise that society uses this taboo as a very effective weapon for controlling women. If women are afraid to get their intimacy needs met with other women, they can only look to men, which keeps them locked into their reproductive role in society.
It's time for women to cast-off the fear associated with same-sex intimacy and instead treat the taboo with the contempt it deserves.
Friday, 12 December 2008
'The Hite Report: On Women Loving Women' by Shere Hite
Every now and again in my life I come across a book which completely transforms my way of thinking. I believe 'The Hite Report: On Women Loving Women' by Shere Hite could become one of them.
Hite's book is potentially groundbreaking work on female relationships (not, as you may presume, solely lesbian relationships), and how the lack of open and honest communication between mothers and daughters on female sexuality during childhood is damaging not only their own relationship, but the relationship between sisters, female friendships and women's advancement in society.
Even today, women may feel more pride identifying with their fathers than their mothers. There's still something shameful, something inferior, about being a woman, and this belief is pervasive and insidious in society. Given this belief, women are left with the feeling that if they accept who they are and identify themselves as women, it's akin to admitting they're failures and 'second class citizens'. A person whom by dint of her sex is unworthy of an executive job, high-paid salary and equality in the workplace - who would want to associate herself as such?
This shame about being a woman is laid during childhood, believes Hite, by mothers refusing to be open and honest with their daughters about their sexuality.
Teenage girls desperately want to know more about their mother's body and sex life, so that they can then better understand their own. Yet the mother is naturally unforthcoming about such information; the changes are happening to the girl and she has many puzzling questions about it, yet her mother is keeping the answers hidden, a secret. Why isn't the girl allowed to ask her mother about her own body and sexuality? Even if the mother is willing to discuss periods with her daughter, she will rarely share her own experiences of this phenomenon; meaning the girl is supposed to accept this intrusion into her personal life by the mother, but not the other way round. This lack of two-way conversation is possibly the reason why teenage girls develop an irritable relationship with their mothers.
Girls cannot understand why their mother is so coy about her own sexuality. Why must it be kept hidden away as if it doesn't exist? Is there something shameful about a woman being sexual? What about orgasms, is it okay for women to have them? These questions are frequently in the child's minds, even if she may not have the words in which to express them. When sexuality is hidden as it is by the mother, these questions remained unanswered and form a barrier between mother and daughter. Daughters feel that they cannot trust their mother - they live with this person and yet there is a huge part of her that remains hidden, unspoken of. The daughter may feel it is unfair that her mother knows a lot about her and frequently sees her body, but is unwilling to share intimate details about herself.
Daughters presume that because the mother is unwilling to share her sexuality, that there must be something wrong with a girl being sexual, having a sex life and having orgasms. If there wasn't, why wouldn't her mother be more upfront about it? This is where the shame of being a woman starts. This lack of mistrust between mother and daughter is also the start of women's lifelong poor relationships with other women; the bickering, backstabbing and lack of nurturing between women that has become so prevalent in society.
Mothers and daughters developing two-way, open and honest communication about sexuality could pave the way for more nurturing female relationships in society. And make women who are proud to be women, because the essence of who we are as sexual beings is no longer viewed as shameful and demeaning.
Hite has come under fire by psychologists in the past for the lack of rigour in her sampling methods, leading to flawed results. This Hite Report was published late 2007 and so far, I've been unable to find information on the web which either supports or discredits her sampling methods for this Hite Report. I hope, for the sake of the crucial message in this book, she has learnt from previous mistakes and been more rigorous this time.
Hite's book is potentially groundbreaking work on female relationships (not, as you may presume, solely lesbian relationships), and how the lack of open and honest communication between mothers and daughters on female sexuality during childhood is damaging not only their own relationship, but the relationship between sisters, female friendships and women's advancement in society.
Even today, women may feel more pride identifying with their fathers than their mothers. There's still something shameful, something inferior, about being a woman, and this belief is pervasive and insidious in society. Given this belief, women are left with the feeling that if they accept who they are and identify themselves as women, it's akin to admitting they're failures and 'second class citizens'. A person whom by dint of her sex is unworthy of an executive job, high-paid salary and equality in the workplace - who would want to associate herself as such?
This shame about being a woman is laid during childhood, believes Hite, by mothers refusing to be open and honest with their daughters about their sexuality.
Teenage girls desperately want to know more about their mother's body and sex life, so that they can then better understand their own. Yet the mother is naturally unforthcoming about such information; the changes are happening to the girl and she has many puzzling questions about it, yet her mother is keeping the answers hidden, a secret. Why isn't the girl allowed to ask her mother about her own body and sexuality? Even if the mother is willing to discuss periods with her daughter, she will rarely share her own experiences of this phenomenon; meaning the girl is supposed to accept this intrusion into her personal life by the mother, but not the other way round. This lack of two-way conversation is possibly the reason why teenage girls develop an irritable relationship with their mothers.
Girls cannot understand why their mother is so coy about her own sexuality. Why must it be kept hidden away as if it doesn't exist? Is there something shameful about a woman being sexual? What about orgasms, is it okay for women to have them? These questions are frequently in the child's minds, even if she may not have the words in which to express them. When sexuality is hidden as it is by the mother, these questions remained unanswered and form a barrier between mother and daughter. Daughters feel that they cannot trust their mother - they live with this person and yet there is a huge part of her that remains hidden, unspoken of. The daughter may feel it is unfair that her mother knows a lot about her and frequently sees her body, but is unwilling to share intimate details about herself.
Daughters presume that because the mother is unwilling to share her sexuality, that there must be something wrong with a girl being sexual, having a sex life and having orgasms. If there wasn't, why wouldn't her mother be more upfront about it? This is where the shame of being a woman starts. This lack of mistrust between mother and daughter is also the start of women's lifelong poor relationships with other women; the bickering, backstabbing and lack of nurturing between women that has become so prevalent in society.
Mothers and daughters developing two-way, open and honest communication about sexuality could pave the way for more nurturing female relationships in society. And make women who are proud to be women, because the essence of who we are as sexual beings is no longer viewed as shameful and demeaning.
Hite has come under fire by psychologists in the past for the lack of rigour in her sampling methods, leading to flawed results. This Hite Report was published late 2007 and so far, I've been unable to find information on the web which either supports or discredits her sampling methods for this Hite Report. I hope, for the sake of the crucial message in this book, she has learnt from previous mistakes and been more rigorous this time.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Sex and Science
Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Sex and Science by Mary Roach, is an off-the-wall account of the ins-and-outs of shagging delivered with her dry wit.
Bonk is an enjoyable romp through human sex-research history. You get intimate with the sex researchers of the past, and the extraordinary lengths they underwent to conceal their work from disapproving eyes, because sex you see, far from being a natural phenomenon of human nature, is really a taboo.
You learn about Alfred Kinsey, the earliest sex researcher, who spent many a night in his attic watching couples having sex. He did this, not because he was a pervert, but because he had to perform his research under great secrecy. This was well before the time of Masters & Johnson, who incidentally, also make an appearance.
She relates the account of Maria Bonaparte, whom being a woman of great sexual appetite, took herself upon a quest to discover why she couldn't orgasm during intercourse. The reason, she discovered, was probably not because she was married to a gay man, but because her clitoris was positioned too far from her vagina, so that the penis didn't stimulate it during sex. Unfortunately for her, even having her clitoris moved to a closer proximity, did not result in the desired-for orgasm. Neither did changing her sexual partner - several affairs were unable to leave her satisfied.
There's also 1988 U.S. Patent 4,722,327 'Therapeutic Apparatus for Relieving Sexual Frustrations in Women Without Sex Partners'
Which is a machine consisting of a dildo attached to a track, so that it can simulate a thrusting motion. Harvey, the inventor, was clear in his mind as to why his machine was a necessity for 'women without sex partners'.
"'Vibrators and sex aids... cannot satisfy the true needs of a partnerless woman who wants not only the ultimate climax or orgasm, but also the feeling that she is actually having sex with a partner.'"
Harvey obviously had high hopes for his machine acting as a viable replacement for the real thing. Roach, however, points out that Harvey was possibly missing some of the finer qualities that shagging a real man provides:
"On some level, Harvey must have sensed that certain aspects of an actual partner were missing - warmth, say, or personality, arms and legs, a head, a soul. Harvey could not provide these things..."
There is one thing though that Harvey's machine could provide; at the base of the penial assembly was a cuff of hair or fur, which gave, "'the look and feel of a male's pubic hair.'"
Which Roach goes on to describe as akin to, "having sex with a shoe buffer."
Bonk is an enjoyable romp through human sex-research history. You get intimate with the sex researchers of the past, and the extraordinary lengths they underwent to conceal their work from disapproving eyes, because sex you see, far from being a natural phenomenon of human nature, is really a taboo.
You learn about Alfred Kinsey, the earliest sex researcher, who spent many a night in his attic watching couples having sex. He did this, not because he was a pervert, but because he had to perform his research under great secrecy. This was well before the time of Masters & Johnson, who incidentally, also make an appearance.
She relates the account of Maria Bonaparte, whom being a woman of great sexual appetite, took herself upon a quest to discover why she couldn't orgasm during intercourse. The reason, she discovered, was probably not because she was married to a gay man, but because her clitoris was positioned too far from her vagina, so that the penis didn't stimulate it during sex. Unfortunately for her, even having her clitoris moved to a closer proximity, did not result in the desired-for orgasm. Neither did changing her sexual partner - several affairs were unable to leave her satisfied.
There's also 1988 U.S. Patent 4,722,327 'Therapeutic Apparatus for Relieving Sexual Frustrations in Women Without Sex Partners'
Which is a machine consisting of a dildo attached to a track, so that it can simulate a thrusting motion. Harvey, the inventor, was clear in his mind as to why his machine was a necessity for 'women without sex partners'.
"'Vibrators and sex aids... cannot satisfy the true needs of a partnerless woman who wants not only the ultimate climax or orgasm, but also the feeling that she is actually having sex with a partner.'"
Harvey obviously had high hopes for his machine acting as a viable replacement for the real thing. Roach, however, points out that Harvey was possibly missing some of the finer qualities that shagging a real man provides:
"On some level, Harvey must have sensed that certain aspects of an actual partner were missing - warmth, say, or personality, arms and legs, a head, a soul. Harvey could not provide these things..."
There is one thing though that Harvey's machine could provide; at the base of the penial assembly was a cuff of hair or fur, which gave, "'the look and feel of a male's pubic hair.'"
Which Roach goes on to describe as akin to, "having sex with a shoe buffer."
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Erectile Dysfunction
Whilst I realise that I'm wildly veering off the topic of female masturbation for this post, I consider the subject matter important enough to do so.
Erectile dysfunction has shown to be an early warning sign of heart disease. So if your husband/male partner can't get it up, consider a trip to the doctor to have it assessed. Most men are so embarrassed by the stigma attached to erectile dysfunction that they will avoid seeking help; however, they do so at their peril.
Erectile dysfunction has shown to be an early warning sign of heart disease. So if your husband/male partner can't get it up, consider a trip to the doctor to have it assessed. Most men are so embarrassed by the stigma attached to erectile dysfunction that they will avoid seeking help; however, they do so at their peril.
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Fritz Klein Sexual Orientation Quiz
Bunny scored an average of 1.43
Kitty scored an average of 2.71
This result can also be related to the Kinsey Scale:0 = exclusively heterosexual
1 = predominantly heterosexual, incidentally homosexual
2 = predominantly heterosexual, but more
than incidentally homosexual
3 = equally heterosexual and homosexual
4 = predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally
5 = predominantly homosexual, incidentally heterosexual
6 = exclusively homosexual
The idea of this excercise is to understand exactly how dynamic a person's sexual orientation can be, as well as how fluid it can be over a person's lifespan. While a person's number of actual homo/heterosexual encounters may be easy to categorize, their actual orientation may be completely different. Simple labels like "homosexual", "heterosexual", and "bisexual" need not be the only three options available to us.
Take the quiz
Friday, 5 December 2008
Women Loving Women
If you're a heterosexual woman who is curious about sex with other women, then we can highly recommend 'Women Loving Women: Appreciating and Exploring the Beauty of Erotic Female Encounters' by Jamye Waxman. It's an exploratory book with a self-accepting message.
We live in a society that has pigeon-holes for sexuality; heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual. In reality, sexuality is a spectrum - women (and men) can be interested in, and attracted to, the same sex, without considering themselves to be gay or bi.
In the late 1940s Alfred Kinsey developed a sexuality scale based on people's fantasies and real-life experiences. His scale ranged from 0 to 6, with 0 being completely heterosexual (i.e. had never had sexual thoughts about somebody of the same sex), 3 being a true bisexual and 6 being completely homosexual. His results were astonishing; only 10% of the population were a 0 or 6, everybody else fell somewhere along the spectrum.
Dr Fritz Klein later expanded on the Kinsey scale. He believed that a person's sexuality was not fixed and could change over the course of his or her lifetime. Which means that whilst you or I may have considered ourselves to be heterosexual during adolescence, we may now find ourselves attracted to women, or vice versa, or that our sexuality hasn't changed at all. I find this fascinating, because it means we can choose and re-choose what makes us happy, sex-wise, throughout our lives. Life is an exciting journey - if we allow it to be - and high self-esteem will carry us through any uncertainty this may cause. Klein wanted to show that we didn't have to limit our sexuality to those whom we fantasized about and/or screwed, but can include those we have close interactions with, and that it evolves over time.
Society, however, has unhelpful taboos around sexuality. These taboos exist because many people fear the feelings evoked in themselves when other people openly express their sexuality. The former are scared to examine their own sexuality, in case they don't like what they find; they therefore do their utmost to bury it. Unfortunately by doing so, they find anything which might bring these feelings to the surface disquieting, and therefore attempt to suppress sexual exploration in society by making it a taboo. This becomes a vicious cycle, because the less accepting society is of the spectrum of sexuality, the more difficult it is for people to investigate - and subsequently accept - this crucial part of themselves.
This is a shame, because if these people chose to accept their feelings rather than push them away, gradually they would become more comfortable with them, and realize that maybe the feelings were trying to inform. Being comfortable with your sexuality is imperative for your happiness and well-being; likewise, self-acceptance is crucial to self-esteem. [For an excellent book on what strengthens or damages self-esteem and how to raise it, see 'The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem' by Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D.]
When it comes to exploring our sexuality through same-sex encounters, rather than allowing ourselves to be limited by society's taboos; we find the 'Do no harm' code of ethics to be beneficial. If the encounter is between two consenting adults i.e. you're not hurting yourself, the other person, or anyone else (e.g. lying to your husband about having sex with another woman), then there is nothing wrong with what you are doing and there's no reason to be concerned. So long as you're both comfortable with the proceedings, that you can both trust you're able stop at any time; you're in a safe space in which to explore.
One final note, 'Women Loving Women: Appreciating and Exploring the Beauty of Erotic Female Encounters' by Jamye Waxman is written specifically for heterosexual women and so therefore may hold little of interest for lesbians.
We live in a society that has pigeon-holes for sexuality; heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual. In reality, sexuality is a spectrum - women (and men) can be interested in, and attracted to, the same sex, without considering themselves to be gay or bi.
In the late 1940s Alfred Kinsey developed a sexuality scale based on people's fantasies and real-life experiences. His scale ranged from 0 to 6, with 0 being completely heterosexual (i.e. had never had sexual thoughts about somebody of the same sex), 3 being a true bisexual and 6 being completely homosexual. His results were astonishing; only 10% of the population were a 0 or 6, everybody else fell somewhere along the spectrum.
Dr Fritz Klein later expanded on the Kinsey scale. He believed that a person's sexuality was not fixed and could change over the course of his or her lifetime. Which means that whilst you or I may have considered ourselves to be heterosexual during adolescence, we may now find ourselves attracted to women, or vice versa, or that our sexuality hasn't changed at all. I find this fascinating, because it means we can choose and re-choose what makes us happy, sex-wise, throughout our lives. Life is an exciting journey - if we allow it to be - and high self-esteem will carry us through any uncertainty this may cause. Klein wanted to show that we didn't have to limit our sexuality to those whom we fantasized about and/or screwed, but can include those we have close interactions with, and that it evolves over time.
Society, however, has unhelpful taboos around sexuality. These taboos exist because many people fear the feelings evoked in themselves when other people openly express their sexuality. The former are scared to examine their own sexuality, in case they don't like what they find; they therefore do their utmost to bury it. Unfortunately by doing so, they find anything which might bring these feelings to the surface disquieting, and therefore attempt to suppress sexual exploration in society by making it a taboo. This becomes a vicious cycle, because the less accepting society is of the spectrum of sexuality, the more difficult it is for people to investigate - and subsequently accept - this crucial part of themselves.
This is a shame, because if these people chose to accept their feelings rather than push them away, gradually they would become more comfortable with them, and realize that maybe the feelings were trying to inform. Being comfortable with your sexuality is imperative for your happiness and well-being; likewise, self-acceptance is crucial to self-esteem. [For an excellent book on what strengthens or damages self-esteem and how to raise it, see 'The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem' by Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D.]
When it comes to exploring our sexuality through same-sex encounters, rather than allowing ourselves to be limited by society's taboos; we find the 'Do no harm' code of ethics to be beneficial. If the encounter is between two consenting adults i.e. you're not hurting yourself, the other person, or anyone else (e.g. lying to your husband about having sex with another woman), then there is nothing wrong with what you are doing and there's no reason to be concerned. So long as you're both comfortable with the proceedings, that you can both trust you're able stop at any time; you're in a safe space in which to explore.
One final note, 'Women Loving Women: Appreciating and Exploring the Beauty of Erotic Female Encounters' by Jamye Waxman is written specifically for heterosexual women and so therefore may hold little of interest for lesbians.
Sunday, 30 November 2008
The Guilty Secret
If you get a roomful of women friends together, soon or later the subject will get on to sex. They'll happily swap tips, frequently go into graphic details about their latest sexual exploits, and discuss what they do and don't like in bed. But the focus will remain on couple sex; solo sex will probably never get a mention.
When it comes to masturbation, we're still in the suppressed Fifties. It's like some guilty secret we carry around. Even though nearly all women masturbate; we still pretend as if we don't. Which is a shame. The more something remains hidden, the less accepted it is in society.
Ann Summers parties are a time when masturbation is alluded to. When the vibrators are being passed round, women will occasionally drop hints about the virtues of a particular vibrator. Again, it's covert. Masturbation is still not openly discussed. Something that has the potential to give us a huge amount of pleasure, relaxation, pain relief, and improve our health and sex lives, is still a taboo subject.
In British primary schools today, boys will be given sex education that includes wanking, whereas girls will not be told anything about female masturbation.
Therefore, we'd like to encourage you to breach the subject with close friends; the more comfortable people become with female masturbation, the quicker it'll find acceptance in society as the normal and natural act that it is.
When it comes to masturbation, we're still in the suppressed Fifties. It's like some guilty secret we carry around. Even though nearly all women masturbate; we still pretend as if we don't. Which is a shame. The more something remains hidden, the less accepted it is in society.
Ann Summers parties are a time when masturbation is alluded to. When the vibrators are being passed round, women will occasionally drop hints about the virtues of a particular vibrator. Again, it's covert. Masturbation is still not openly discussed. Something that has the potential to give us a huge amount of pleasure, relaxation, pain relief, and improve our health and sex lives, is still a taboo subject.
In British primary schools today, boys will be given sex education that includes wanking, whereas girls will not be told anything about female masturbation.
Therefore, we'd like to encourage you to breach the subject with close friends; the more comfortable people become with female masturbation, the quicker it'll find acceptance in society as the normal and natural act that it is.
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Grow Your Own Orgasms
Follow our 'Grow Your Own Orgasms' tips, for bigger and better climaxes!
Tip #1:
The bigger the build-up; the bigger the orgasm.
So, build yourself up slowly. When you're on the edge of coming; stop. (I know this can require immense willpower, but believe me, it's worth it.) Wait for a few moments and then start stimulating yourself again. Repeat this several more times; when you do finally go over the edge, be sure to let the world know how good it feels!
Tip #2:
Hang your head over the side of the bed.
I discovered this nifty little trick a long time ago in the book, 'Becoming Orgasmic'. When you lie on the bed, be sure to let your head hang down over the side of the bed, this makes the blood rush to your head and more blood means more pleasure.
Tip #3:
Go for the double whammy.
Stimulate your clit and your G-spot at the same time, either with a Rampant Rabbit or by using two; one for your clit and one internally for your G-spot. The advantage of a Rampant Rabbit is that it leaves your hands free to play with your breasts or other erogenous zones (which brings me on to tip #4).
Tip #4:
Play with your other erogenous zones.
Stimulating your other erogenous zones during masturbation, will not only mean you can tell your partner which ones turn you into a crazed nympho and which ones leave you snoozing; you'll also be able to give yourself better orgasms. Top erogenous zones for women are (in order):
I have incredibly sensitive nipples, and pinching these quickly sends me over the edge.
There are other erogenous zones that may be personal to you; I find pressing the base of my toes (on the sole) to be a huge turn-on.
Tip #5:
Important this. And not just for the obvious. A lot of women's breathing is too shallow when they masturbate and this can make their orgasms small and weeny, rather than big and lusty.
Tip #6:
During masturbation and sex your heart rate speeds-up, so you can quickly get too hot. If you do, stop what you're doing, take a few layers of clothing/bedding off and then begin again. Being too hot can put a damper on your orgasm.
Tip #7:
I've mentioned this before, but the brain is in the same state when you orgasm as it is when you meditate. Therefore, the 'backdoor' way to an orgasm is to meditate at the same time as you masturbate. My most intense orgasms have come from doing this.
Tip #1:
The bigger the build-up; the bigger the orgasm.
So, build yourself up slowly. When you're on the edge of coming; stop. (I know this can require immense willpower, but believe me, it's worth it.) Wait for a few moments and then start stimulating yourself again. Repeat this several more times; when you do finally go over the edge, be sure to let the world know how good it feels!
Tip #2:
Hang your head over the side of the bed.
I discovered this nifty little trick a long time ago in the book, 'Becoming Orgasmic'. When you lie on the bed, be sure to let your head hang down over the side of the bed, this makes the blood rush to your head and more blood means more pleasure.
Tip #3:
Go for the double whammy.
Stimulate your clit and your G-spot at the same time, either with a Rampant Rabbit or by using two; one for your clit and one internally for your G-spot. The advantage of a Rampant Rabbit is that it leaves your hands free to play with your breasts or other erogenous zones (which brings me on to tip #4).
Tip #4:
Play with your other erogenous zones.
Stimulating your other erogenous zones during masturbation, will not only mean you can tell your partner which ones turn you into a crazed nympho and which ones leave you snoozing; you'll also be able to give yourself better orgasms. Top erogenous zones for women are (in order):
I have incredibly sensitive nipples, and pinching these quickly sends me over the edge.
There are other erogenous zones that may be personal to you; I find pressing the base of my toes (on the sole) to be a huge turn-on.
Tip #5:
Important this. And not just for the obvious. A lot of women's breathing is too shallow when they masturbate and this can make their orgasms small and weeny, rather than big and lusty.
Tip #6:
During masturbation and sex your heart rate speeds-up, so you can quickly get too hot. If you do, stop what you're doing, take a few layers of clothing/bedding off and then begin again. Being too hot can put a damper on your orgasm.
Tip #7:
I've mentioned this before, but the brain is in the same state when you orgasm as it is when you meditate. Therefore, the 'backdoor' way to an orgasm is to meditate at the same time as you masturbate. My most intense orgasms have come from doing this.
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Ann Summers Party
Ann Summers parties are fun, but this one was particularly so. The hostess (a friend), opened the door to her guests wearing the Ann Summers Purple Penetrator - to great hilarity! [Sorry, no photos!] (In case you don't know what a Purple Penetrator is, it's a purple strap-on-cock - with a vibrating bullet where you want it.) What ensued was a roomful of ladies, each trying on the Purple Penetrator and posing for the best effect. One even swayed from side-to-side with accompanying lightsaber sound-effects. They also gave their verdict on what it was like to own a cock - one guest finally understood why men sit with their legs open - and it made her glad to be a woman.
Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Sex and Science
'Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Sex and Science' by Mary Roach. Kitty has just ordered this book and Bunny can't wait to get stuck in.
Female Arousal
More from 'I Love Female Orgasm: An Extraordinary Orgasm Guide' by Dorian Solot and Marshall Miller.
In the 1950s and 1960s the pioneering sex researchers Masters & Johnson, hooked women up to machines and studied their bodies' responses from initial arousal through to orgasm. They found that women start off at the excitement phase and then, if stimulation continues, they go through a plateau phase, before finally reaching orgasm.
The 'finally' bit of this last sentence is the most important. Women can take, on average, 20 minutes to reach orgasm. That's a long plateau phase. This wouldn't be such a problem if women (and their male partners!), didn't compare themselves to men, who take, on average, 2 to 5 minutes to reach orgasm. When women compare themselves to men in this way, they end up believing that 20 minutes is a long time, and put pressure on themselves to come more quickly. Yet this pressure pretty much guarantees against an orgasm.
Remember also that this 20 minute plateau phase is an average - whilst some women can come within a few minutes, many women take much longer.
The long plateau phase means many women get bored and give up before they come. If this is you, it probably leaves you feeling extremely frustrated. Unfortunately, this can also become a vicious circle, with the more a woman wants to orgasm, the more she focuses on the fact that she's not coming and the less she focuses on the sensations she's experiencing. Focusing on not coming is likely to produce more of the same - lack of orgasm and the resultant disappointment. Whereas focusing on bodily sensations are more likely to induce the longed for rush of pleasure. Usually, if you continue with the stimulation that aroused you in the first place, and keep your mind on the job, rather than letting it wander onto your latest troubles or mundane trivialities, you will eventually come. Bunny finds that repeating a single word, mantra-like, which is akin to meditation, keeps her mind on the job and helps her to come in a few minutes (rather than 15 minutes).
Women require constant stimulation during orgasm otherwise the orgasm wanes - ensure your partner is aware of this, else you're in for a dissatisfying time.
After climax, the woman's body will eventually return to its nonaroused state, but if you pause stimulation for 10 to 60 seconds (if the clitoris has become too sensitive to touch), and then continue, you may find that you orgasm again. Kitty likes to clench her buttock muscles during orgasm, as she finds this helps her to have another orgasm. However, we would like to point out that orgasms aren't like trophies in a competition, to collect as many as possible.
In the 1950s and 1960s the pioneering sex researchers Masters & Johnson, hooked women up to machines and studied their bodies' responses from initial arousal through to orgasm. They found that women start off at the excitement phase and then, if stimulation continues, they go through a plateau phase, before finally reaching orgasm.
The 'finally' bit of this last sentence is the most important. Women can take, on average, 20 minutes to reach orgasm. That's a long plateau phase. This wouldn't be such a problem if women (and their male partners!), didn't compare themselves to men, who take, on average, 2 to 5 minutes to reach orgasm. When women compare themselves to men in this way, they end up believing that 20 minutes is a long time, and put pressure on themselves to come more quickly. Yet this pressure pretty much guarantees against an orgasm.
Remember also that this 20 minute plateau phase is an average - whilst some women can come within a few minutes, many women take much longer.
The long plateau phase means many women get bored and give up before they come. If this is you, it probably leaves you feeling extremely frustrated. Unfortunately, this can also become a vicious circle, with the more a woman wants to orgasm, the more she focuses on the fact that she's not coming and the less she focuses on the sensations she's experiencing. Focusing on not coming is likely to produce more of the same - lack of orgasm and the resultant disappointment. Whereas focusing on bodily sensations are more likely to induce the longed for rush of pleasure. Usually, if you continue with the stimulation that aroused you in the first place, and keep your mind on the job, rather than letting it wander onto your latest troubles or mundane trivialities, you will eventually come. Bunny finds that repeating a single word, mantra-like, which is akin to meditation, keeps her mind on the job and helps her to come in a few minutes (rather than 15 minutes).
Women require constant stimulation during orgasm otherwise the orgasm wanes - ensure your partner is aware of this, else you're in for a dissatisfying time.
After climax, the woman's body will eventually return to its nonaroused state, but if you pause stimulation for 10 to 60 seconds (if the clitoris has become too sensitive to touch), and then continue, you may find that you orgasm again. Kitty likes to clench her buttock muscles during orgasm, as she finds this helps her to have another orgasm. However, we would like to point out that orgasms aren't like trophies in a competition, to collect as many as possible.
Saturday, 22 November 2008
The Clitoris: Does Size Matter?
Does having a big clit mean big orgasms? Does a small clit leave you forever doomed to a life of so-so orgasms?
Whatever the length or diameter of your clitoris; size does not matter. Studies have shown that 'seed-pearl' clits are equally capable of producing intense orgasms as voluptuous clits. Size, therefore, has no impact on the intensity, speed or ease of climax.
Whatever the length or diameter of your clitoris; size does not matter. Studies have shown that 'seed-pearl' clits are equally capable of producing intense orgasms as voluptuous clits. Size, therefore, has no impact on the intensity, speed or ease of climax.
Friday, 21 November 2008
Anatomy of Female Orgasm continued
Unlike my previous post, we're now getting onto the anatomy of orgasm stuff I didn't know about until I read, 'I Love Female Orgasm,' by Dorian Solot and Marshall Miller.
I knew the clitoris was the only organ in the human body whose sole reason for existence was pleasure. The clitoris and penis develop from the same tissue when we're in the womb, but it may surprise you to know that the clitoris is more sensitive (it surprised me). It has two to four times more nerve endings per square inch than the head of a penis; which therefore makes it the most sensitive part of the human body. I'm starting to like the sound of this!
I also knew the clitoris wasn't just the tiny nub we can see and feel - it extends deep inside the body. What I didn't know was that it's split into eighteen separate parts, some of which are quite large (and internal). Hey, I did human sexual reproduction in Biology at degree level, but no lecture taught me about the anatomy of this important organ. The visible parts of the clit are the glans, shaft, hood and inner lips. Inside the woman's body is erectile tissue (the tissue which the penis is comprised of); it is formed into a pair of wishbone shaped clitoral legs. These legs are 2 to 3.5 inches long, are positioned in a backward slant towards the tailbone, and engorge with blood during arousal. Incredibly, these 'legs' were documented as early as the 1600s (centuries before modern medicine) - but subsequent anatomists 'forgot' about them.
Complex nerves, ligaments and blood vessels also make up the clitoral organ. Additionally, there are glands to help with lubrication, which are involved in female ejaculation (when it occurs) - this has been receiving considerable attention in recent years.
No account of the anatomy of female orgasm would be complete without mentioning the G-spot, but this is a big enough topic to warrant its own post, so I won't go into it here except to say what it is. The G-spot, or urethral sponge, is an area of erectile tissue surrounding the urethra (the tube you urinate through). However, the effect it has on you when you apply deep pressure to this spot, is far more exciting than its anatomy would ever imply!
The complex anatomy of the clitoris means that women have extensive potential for sexual pleasure; the clitoris, therefore, deserves far more attention than it is currently getting.
I knew the clitoris was the only organ in the human body whose sole reason for existence was pleasure. The clitoris and penis develop from the same tissue when we're in the womb, but it may surprise you to know that the clitoris is more sensitive (it surprised me). It has two to four times more nerve endings per square inch than the head of a penis; which therefore makes it the most sensitive part of the human body. I'm starting to like the sound of this!
I also knew the clitoris wasn't just the tiny nub we can see and feel - it extends deep inside the body. What I didn't know was that it's split into eighteen separate parts, some of which are quite large (and internal). Hey, I did human sexual reproduction in Biology at degree level, but no lecture taught me about the anatomy of this important organ. The visible parts of the clit are the glans, shaft, hood and inner lips. Inside the woman's body is erectile tissue (the tissue which the penis is comprised of); it is formed into a pair of wishbone shaped clitoral legs. These legs are 2 to 3.5 inches long, are positioned in a backward slant towards the tailbone, and engorge with blood during arousal. Incredibly, these 'legs' were documented as early as the 1600s (centuries before modern medicine) - but subsequent anatomists 'forgot' about them.
Complex nerves, ligaments and blood vessels also make up the clitoral organ. Additionally, there are glands to help with lubrication, which are involved in female ejaculation (when it occurs) - this has been receiving considerable attention in recent years.
No account of the anatomy of female orgasm would be complete without mentioning the G-spot, but this is a big enough topic to warrant its own post, so I won't go into it here except to say what it is. The G-spot, or urethral sponge, is an area of erectile tissue surrounding the urethra (the tube you urinate through). However, the effect it has on you when you apply deep pressure to this spot, is far more exciting than its anatomy would ever imply!
The complex anatomy of the clitoris means that women have extensive potential for sexual pleasure; the clitoris, therefore, deserves far more attention than it is currently getting.
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Anatomy of Female Orgasm
Have I mentioned yet how much I like 'I Love Female Orgasm: An Extraordinary Orgasm Guide' by Dorian Solot and Marshall Miller? Okay, I've only just started reading it, but so far it's distinct from all of the others I'm reading on masturbation. That's what's great about the selection we bought; they're all refreshingly different. [In case you're interested; they're all on the Amazon link to the right.]
Okay, onto the topic of this post; the anatomy of a female orgasm.
A female orgasm is a series of involuntary contractions; which makes it sound about as thrilling as hiccups. Fortunately, these contractions are accompanied by a rush of pleasure hormones; which are what make orgasm feel so wonderful. The involuntary bit is important, because it means that no two orgasms feel the same, nor can you control how an orgasm is going to feel. However, if you're new to masturbation, I would like to point out that you do learn, through trial and error, which way of masturbating works best for you. [I like to use two vibrators - one on my clit and one inside; Kitty likes to rub her g-spot with her finger.] The involuntary contractions usually take place in the vagina, uterus and anus, and for some women in their hands and feet.
How a woman experiences orgasm is unique to her; some may cry out, whereas others will simply do a sharp intake of breath, or everything in-between. Some women will thrash around, whereas others remain still. One thing to remember though is that holding your breath, being too hot, or being distracted, can all easily prevent orgasm or make it barely noticeable. If you find yourself unable to orgasm, or wish your orgasms were more intense; be sure to breath deeply, maintain a comfortable temperature (you will probably grow hotter whilst masturbating), and try meditation to focus your mind so that it doesn't wander. Out of the three, my experience is that keeping focused is the key to orgasm. I only regularly started to have orgasms worth shouting about when I took Betty Dodson's advice (in her book, 'Sex for One'), and meditated at the same time as masturbating.
The duration of orgasm varies - usually three to fifteen seconds - although they can last up to a minute (isn't it great being a woman? :) )
Okay, onto the topic of this post; the anatomy of a female orgasm.
A female orgasm is a series of involuntary contractions; which makes it sound about as thrilling as hiccups. Fortunately, these contractions are accompanied by a rush of pleasure hormones; which are what make orgasm feel so wonderful. The involuntary bit is important, because it means that no two orgasms feel the same, nor can you control how an orgasm is going to feel. However, if you're new to masturbation, I would like to point out that you do learn, through trial and error, which way of masturbating works best for you. [I like to use two vibrators - one on my clit and one inside; Kitty likes to rub her g-spot with her finger.] The involuntary contractions usually take place in the vagina, uterus and anus, and for some women in their hands and feet.
How a woman experiences orgasm is unique to her; some may cry out, whereas others will simply do a sharp intake of breath, or everything in-between. Some women will thrash around, whereas others remain still. One thing to remember though is that holding your breath, being too hot, or being distracted, can all easily prevent orgasm or make it barely noticeable. If you find yourself unable to orgasm, or wish your orgasms were more intense; be sure to breath deeply, maintain a comfortable temperature (you will probably grow hotter whilst masturbating), and try meditation to focus your mind so that it doesn't wander. Out of the three, my experience is that keeping focused is the key to orgasm. I only regularly started to have orgasms worth shouting about when I took Betty Dodson's advice (in her book, 'Sex for One'), and meditated at the same time as masturbating.
The duration of orgasm varies - usually three to fifteen seconds - although they can last up to a minute (isn't it great being a woman? :) )
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Kitty's Verdict on the Rampant Rabbit Elite from the Ann Summers Range
Kitty used it three times in quick succession, so I guess no complaints there. She was even happier when she realised that it had seven functions for the clit stim - three speeds and four pulse functions.
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Kitty's newfound rampantness
Kitty came off the contraceptive pill recently and since then she's turned into Her Rampantness. Her appetite for bush exploring has been insatiable - she's at it once everyday (frequently more often); whereas when she was under the influence of chemical hormones she only used to show an interest in her nether regions the few days before her period (the week she wasn't taking the pill).
The contraceptive pill is renown for putting a damper on one's libido. If this is you, you might want to consider an alternative form of contraception, although we do realise we're very limited on the options front.
Kitty only used to bush explore by rubbing her clitoris with her fingers. She's recently discovered the wonders of vibrators. She likes them, because when she comes her muscles clamp around the throbbing vibrator - this, coupled with clenching her buttock muscles at the same time, makes her purr! (Excuse the cheese.)
She's now into using one vibrator on her clitoris and another inside her - this has got to be the best. This is why Rampant Rabbits were invented. She's just off now to try out the Rampant Rabbit Elite from the Ann Summers range. I'll let you know how big her smile is when she's done! :)
The contraceptive pill is renown for putting a damper on one's libido. If this is you, you might want to consider an alternative form of contraception, although we do realise we're very limited on the options front.
Kitty only used to bush explore by rubbing her clitoris with her fingers. She's recently discovered the wonders of vibrators. She likes them, because when she comes her muscles clamp around the throbbing vibrator - this, coupled with clenching her buttock muscles at the same time, makes her purr! (Excuse the cheese.)
She's now into using one vibrator on her clitoris and another inside her - this has got to be the best. This is why Rampant Rabbits were invented. She's just off now to try out the Rampant Rabbit Elite from the Ann Summers range. I'll let you know how big her smile is when she's done! :)
ann summers,
contraceptive pill,
rampant rabbit
Monday, 10 November 2008
Female Masturbation to Ease Pain
If you suffer from menstrual cramps, then masturbation during this time can help ease the pain as it increases circulation in the pelvic area. Exercise can also help; if you don't feel like anything too vigorous, try a brisk walk - once the circulation and lymph get moving, you'll feel much better. Likewise anything which constricts the capillaries will make the pain worse - which is why smokers tend to suffer more than non-smokers. [If I was a health worker, I'd tell all of my female patients this to discourage them from smoking; future illness and looking old-before-your-time do not register with teenagers, but monthly pain might.]
I've also heard that masturbation prior to a migraine can help prevent a full-blown attack, however, as I do not suffer from migraines (thankfully!), I cannot vouch for the effectiveness of this. If you happen to suffer from migraines, and you have my every sympathy if you do, you may wish to try masturbating when you feel one coming on.
Masturbation can help you to relax and orgasm releases 'happy' chemicals into the brain; so use it to help you unwind after a stressful day.
Good circulation is essential for every organ of your body, including your genitals. Therefore, by masturbating on a regular basis, you are increasing the blood supply to these organs, and therefore keeping them healthy.
I've also heard that masturbation prior to a migraine can help prevent a full-blown attack, however, as I do not suffer from migraines (thankfully!), I cannot vouch for the effectiveness of this. If you happen to suffer from migraines, and you have my every sympathy if you do, you may wish to try masturbating when you feel one coming on.
Masturbation can help you to relax and orgasm releases 'happy' chemicals into the brain; so use it to help you unwind after a stressful day.
Good circulation is essential for every organ of your body, including your genitals. Therefore, by masturbating on a regular basis, you are increasing the blood supply to these organs, and therefore keeping them healthy.
Monday, 3 November 2008
Breast Cancer (on topic)
Breast cancer is, as we all know, one of the biggest killers of women. Yet the reason why it's so deadly is that it's not caught sufficiently early. The earlier it's detected; the greater the chance of survival.
What frustrates me is, why are millions of women dying of this disease each year? Why is it being discovered too late in many instances? We're told to examine our breasts each month, which is sound advice, but doesn't this strike you as odd? Why are women having to be told to essentially touch their own breasts on a regular basis? Surely our breasts play a vital part in our personal sexual pleasure and therefore presumably we'd be touching them (at least) every time we masturbated? [Frequently it is not the woman herself who detects the lump, but her partner whom discovers it whilst fondling her breasts during foreplay; which also implies that he touches her breasts and therefore knows them better than she does!]
Yet obviously many of us don't. I think this stems from the religious notion that our bodies are sinful and dirty, and therefore we shouldn't touch them; an insidious belief that still permeates society.
But this legacy is killing us!
Let's start enjoying our breasts - let's overcome our reluctance in touching them and make it a part of our masturbation sessions. We may even have better orgasms as a result - I have super sensitive nipples and twiddling them is a huge turn on. If we get to know how our breasts feel, then if anything changes we'll catch it early on, and by doing so we stand a much better chance of surviving.
Let's stop dying of this dreadful disease!
What frustrates me is, why are millions of women dying of this disease each year? Why is it being discovered too late in many instances? We're told to examine our breasts each month, which is sound advice, but doesn't this strike you as odd? Why are women having to be told to essentially touch their own breasts on a regular basis? Surely our breasts play a vital part in our personal sexual pleasure and therefore presumably we'd be touching them (at least) every time we masturbated? [Frequently it is not the woman herself who detects the lump, but her partner whom discovers it whilst fondling her breasts during foreplay; which also implies that he touches her breasts and therefore knows them better than she does!]
Yet obviously many of us don't. I think this stems from the religious notion that our bodies are sinful and dirty, and therefore we shouldn't touch them; an insidious belief that still permeates society.
But this legacy is killing us!
Let's start enjoying our breasts - let's overcome our reluctance in touching them and make it a part of our masturbation sessions. We may even have better orgasms as a result - I have super sensitive nipples and twiddling them is a huge turn on. If we get to know how our breasts feel, then if anything changes we'll catch it early on, and by doing so we stand a much better chance of surviving.
Let's stop dying of this dreadful disease!
breast cancer,
Friday, 24 October 2008
The Erotic Equation
How many of your sexual fantasies have involved sex with a person you can't have? If you think about some of the hottest sex you've ever had, chances are it was either illicit or involved overcoming an obstacle. There is something highly alluring about the unattainable, whereas sex with a long-term partner can quickly lose its appeal simply because it's always available.
Does this mean we're doomed to choose between sexual fulfilment and long-term partnership? Not if we look more carefully at what turns us on. By exploring our turn-ons with masturbation we are more in-tune with ourselves. We can then either transfer this knowledge to enhance our sex lives, or if we are single, use it to enjoy our masturbation sessions even more.
According to Jack Morin Ph.D., there are two types of attraction: romantic and lusty. Both types are part of being human and we ignore this fact at our peril. Traditionally, romantic attraction has been seen as the 'purer' of the two, whereas lusty has been associated with sin and evilness. Like all other aspects of our humanity, we feel happier and have a higher self-esteem when we accept all parts of ourselves - even those that may initially make us feel uncomfortable.
*From The Erotic Mind: Unlocking the Inner Sources of Sexual Passion and Fulfillment by Jack Morin, Ph.D.
How many of your sexual fantasies have involved sex with a person you can't have? If you think about some of the hottest sex you've ever had, chances are it was either illicit or involved overcoming an obstacle. There is something highly alluring about the unattainable, whereas sex with a long-term partner can quickly lose its appeal simply because it's always available.
Does this mean we're doomed to choose between sexual fulfilment and long-term partnership? Not if we look more carefully at what turns us on. By exploring our turn-ons with masturbation we are more in-tune with ourselves. We can then either transfer this knowledge to enhance our sex lives, or if we are single, use it to enjoy our masturbation sessions even more.
According to Jack Morin Ph.D., there are two types of attraction: romantic and lusty. Both types are part of being human and we ignore this fact at our peril. Traditionally, romantic attraction has been seen as the 'purer' of the two, whereas lusty has been associated with sin and evilness. Like all other aspects of our humanity, we feel happier and have a higher self-esteem when we accept all parts of ourselves - even those that may initially make us feel uncomfortable.
*From The Erotic Mind: Unlocking the Inner Sources of Sexual Passion and Fulfillment by Jack Morin, Ph.D.
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Sexual Pigenholes
'Sex for One: The Joy of Selfloving' by Betty Dodson, is a fascinating account of her own personal journey of sexual discovery.
Every now and again she drops something in that shatters my previous way of thinking. One of these is our obsession with pigeon-holing people into certain sexual groups. "People [are] socially tortured by having to choose between being straight or gay," (Dodson, B., 1996).
If you're a woman and you like sex with other woman; you're a lesbian, i.e. that's your pigeonhole. If you're a woman and you enjoy sex with men; you're heterosexual. If you enjoy sex with both men and women, that makes you a bisexual. However, are these labels helpful, if we want to fully explore and subsequently become more accepting of our sexual selves?
There are probably thousands of 'heterosexual' women who are curious about sleeping with other women, but are afraid to be labelled as bi. They may not consider themselves bi; merely inquisitive. They just want to explore what turns them on, so that they may discover greater heights of passion and fulfilment. However, social barriers can hinder or quash this exploration before it has even begun. Bisexuals and lesbians [and homosexuals] are still stigmatized, although society is gradually being eroded of its hang-ups in this area.
Why is this important? We've all heard of the countless men and women who rush into marriages, only to announce years later that they consider themselves to be gay. They could have saved themselves and their partners a lot of heartache if they'd felt safe to explore who they really were in their formative years (or older if necessary).
Additionally, there are innumerable marriages which lack passion and again, knowing what turns you on, is key to re-igniting or keeping that sexual spark. Which leads me nicely back on track to 'The Erotic Mind'... more next time.
Every now and again she drops something in that shatters my previous way of thinking. One of these is our obsession with pigeon-holing people into certain sexual groups. "People [are] socially tortured by having to choose between being straight or gay," (Dodson, B., 1996).
If you're a woman and you like sex with other woman; you're a lesbian, i.e. that's your pigeonhole. If you're a woman and you enjoy sex with men; you're heterosexual. If you enjoy sex with both men and women, that makes you a bisexual. However, are these labels helpful, if we want to fully explore and subsequently become more accepting of our sexual selves?
There are probably thousands of 'heterosexual' women who are curious about sleeping with other women, but are afraid to be labelled as bi. They may not consider themselves bi; merely inquisitive. They just want to explore what turns them on, so that they may discover greater heights of passion and fulfilment. However, social barriers can hinder or quash this exploration before it has even begun. Bisexuals and lesbians [and homosexuals] are still stigmatized, although society is gradually being eroded of its hang-ups in this area.
Why is this important? We've all heard of the countless men and women who rush into marriages, only to announce years later that they consider themselves to be gay. They could have saved themselves and their partners a lot of heartache if they'd felt safe to explore who they really were in their formative years (or older if necessary).
Additionally, there are innumerable marriages which lack passion and again, knowing what turns you on, is key to re-igniting or keeping that sexual spark. Which leads me nicely back on track to 'The Erotic Mind'... more next time.
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Female Masturbating in the womb?
Fascinating account of foetal masturbation found at The Clitoris.
'The following quote was printed in the book The Clitoral Truth by Rebecca Chalker; it originally appeared in a letter in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 175, Sept 1996 page 753.
'"We recently observed a female fetus at 32 weeks' gestation touching the vulva with fingers of [her] right hand. The caressing movement was centered primarily on the region of the clitoris. Movements stopped after 30 to 40 seconds, and started again after a few moments. Further, these light touches were repeated and were associated with short, rigid movements of the pelvis and legs. After another break, in addition to this behavior, the fetus contracted the muscles of the trunk and limbs, and the climax, clonicotonic movements [rapid muscle contractions] of the body, followed. Finally she relaxed and rested. We [several doctors and the mother] observed this behavior for about 20 minutes."'
If it is masturbation to orgasm that this foetus is engaging in, then it provides additional weight to our standpoint that masturbation is both normal and beneficial. It also turns the notion on its head that masturbation is something evil - this would imply that even foetuses are sinful; which flies in the face of those religions who view babies as pure and innocent.
One question posed by the above website is whether masturbation and orgasm are necessary for healthy foetal development? If this is the case, Kitty pointed out to me that newborns are then prevented from engaging in masturbation for the next two years as they're constantly wearing nappies. Would babies be less fretful if they weren't prevented from calming themselves with masturbation; is part of their fretfulness down to 'sexual' frustration?
'The following quote was printed in the book The Clitoral Truth by Rebecca Chalker; it originally appeared in a letter in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 175, Sept 1996 page 753.
'"We recently observed a female fetus at 32 weeks' gestation touching the vulva with fingers of [her] right hand. The caressing movement was centered primarily on the region of the clitoris. Movements stopped after 30 to 40 seconds, and started again after a few moments. Further, these light touches were repeated and were associated with short, rigid movements of the pelvis and legs. After another break, in addition to this behavior, the fetus contracted the muscles of the trunk and limbs, and the climax, clonicotonic movements [rapid muscle contractions] of the body, followed. Finally she relaxed and rested. We [several doctors and the mother] observed this behavior for about 20 minutes."'
If it is masturbation to orgasm that this foetus is engaging in, then it provides additional weight to our standpoint that masturbation is both normal and beneficial. It also turns the notion on its head that masturbation is something evil - this would imply that even foetuses are sinful; which flies in the face of those religions who view babies as pure and innocent.
One question posed by the above website is whether masturbation and orgasm are necessary for healthy foetal development? If this is the case, Kitty pointed out to me that newborns are then prevented from engaging in masturbation for the next two years as they're constantly wearing nappies. Would babies be less fretful if they weren't prevented from calming themselves with masturbation; is part of their fretfulness down to 'sexual' frustration?
Finding the G-Spot externally
Over a decade ago I discovered that if I pressed a spot just above my pubic bone, intercourse became more pleasurable. Had I been less sexually frustrated and obsessed with my ongoing failure to reach orgasm during intercourse, I would have allowed my natural curiosity to engage in exploring this spot more during masturbation. As it was, after a few feeble attempts to stimulate this spot during intercourse didn't result in the longed-for orgasm, I ceased all exploration of this site.
Today, after a failed attempt to reach orgasm because I'd grown frustrated before I decided to masturbate, wherein I was so concerned about being relieved of this frustration that all I could focus on was coming (which, incidentally, was the very thing that then kept stopping me from coming). I decided to again try this external spot which I had been reminded of and given a name for in the book, 'I Love Female Orgasm: An Extraordinary Orgasm Guide' by Dorian Solot and Marshall Miller. This spot which I'd discovered by accident all those years ago, is the external stimulation of the G-spot. Digging my finger in with a circling motion allowed me to achieve orgasm very quickly. I also noticed that whereas with stimulation of my clitoris I found it difficult to focus and kept distracting myself with the thought of how desperate I was to climax; my mind remained focused when I stimulated my G-spot in this way. I have no idea why this is so.
So, to find the G-spot externally, first locate your pubic bone in line with your navel. About two inches inch up from this spot, dig your finger in and wiggle it around a little bit. You should feel a wall of muscle that slopes around (as opposed to being straight across like your abdominals); I'm presuming that's your vagina you're feeling from the outside. If it feels nice, congratulations, you've found your G-spot. You may wish to practice digging your finger in and wiggling it around until you can bring yourself to orgasm this way - although I'm solely going on my own experience, so this may not work for everyone. Once you know what you're doing, you may choose to use it during sex, either to stimulate yourself or ask your partner to do it for you.
Today, after a failed attempt to reach orgasm because I'd grown frustrated before I decided to masturbate, wherein I was so concerned about being relieved of this frustration that all I could focus on was coming (which, incidentally, was the very thing that then kept stopping me from coming). I decided to again try this external spot which I had been reminded of and given a name for in the book, 'I Love Female Orgasm: An Extraordinary Orgasm Guide' by Dorian Solot and Marshall Miller. This spot which I'd discovered by accident all those years ago, is the external stimulation of the G-spot. Digging my finger in with a circling motion allowed me to achieve orgasm very quickly. I also noticed that whereas with stimulation of my clitoris I found it difficult to focus and kept distracting myself with the thought of how desperate I was to climax; my mind remained focused when I stimulated my G-spot in this way. I have no idea why this is so.
So, to find the G-spot externally, first locate your pubic bone in line with your navel. About two inches inch up from this spot, dig your finger in and wiggle it around a little bit. You should feel a wall of muscle that slopes around (as opposed to being straight across like your abdominals); I'm presuming that's your vagina you're feeling from the outside. If it feels nice, congratulations, you've found your G-spot. You may wish to practice digging your finger in and wiggling it around until you can bring yourself to orgasm this way - although I'm solely going on my own experience, so this may not work for everyone. Once you know what you're doing, you may choose to use it during sex, either to stimulate yourself or ask your partner to do it for you.
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Bush Exploring with Meditation
I've been enjoying 'Sex for One' by Betty Dodson. It's a fascinating account of her sexual history and how she helped other women (and men) become orgasmic through her workshops (and later earned a Ph.D. for her work in this field).
In a later chapter she mentions how she experimented with Transcendental Meditation - repeating a word or phrase as a mantra. She then incorporated this into her masturbation sessions with staggering results.
Curious, I decided to give it a go this morning and repeated the word "I" whilst bush exploring at the same time. I came after only a short time and my orgasm was incredibly intense and long-lasting.
The theory is that the mind state of meditation is similar to that during masturbation; so incorporating meditation allows you to more quickly reach the mind state necessary for orgasm. Also, concentrating on a mantra prevents your mind from wandering onto turn-off things like:
1) the mundane, such as doing the shopping;
2) fretting about any stressful situations you may have in your life;
3) feeling frustrated that you haven't come yet!
In a later chapter she mentions how she experimented with Transcendental Meditation - repeating a word or phrase as a mantra. She then incorporated this into her masturbation sessions with staggering results.
Curious, I decided to give it a go this morning and repeated the word "I" whilst bush exploring at the same time. I came after only a short time and my orgasm was incredibly intense and long-lasting.
The theory is that the mind state of meditation is similar to that during masturbation; so incorporating meditation allows you to more quickly reach the mind state necessary for orgasm. Also, concentrating on a mantra prevents your mind from wandering onto turn-off things like:
1) the mundane, such as doing the shopping;
2) fretting about any stressful situations you may have in your life;
3) feeling frustrated that you haven't come yet!
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Erotic Lucid Dreams - they're the best!
About seven years ago I acquired the ability to lucid dream almost at will. There was a week where I lucid dreamed almost every night. During those encounters I knew that I was dreaming but I became the director of my dreams – whatever I wanted to happen would happen. I spent those nights having sex with man after man; always trying to find some kind of sexual fulfilment. During that time of my life I was struggling to reach orgasm even whilst masturbating – I seemed to get stuck in the plateau phase and felt extremely frustrated as a consequence. I blamed the man for my lack of orgasm – he didn’t know how to pleasure me. That was likely true – he didn’t know how to pleasure me because I didn’t know either. I thought there was something wrong with me because I couldn’t enjoy sex, even though I wanted it. Additionally, having since learnt a lot more about my sexual self, I now know that we were sexually incompatible; I like to be dominated by the man, and he was a passive lover. I like pretty much silence during sex with the odd bit of talk – he found this a turn-off. He found explicit narrative of a favourite fantasy a huge turn-on – for me this was a complete and utter turn-off; but having grown-up with the notion that as a woman it was my role to satisfy the man, I lacked the assertiveness to say what I wanted. If I had, I would have realised long ago that we weren’t right for each other, done my self-esteem a favour and left the relationship.
What was incredibly liberating for me at that time was in those lucid dreams I was able to break-free of the rigid social conformity I’d been brought-up with. My sexual delights were not constrained by the dictates of what society deemed appropriate for women – namely that women didn’t have multiple partners, many sexual encounters, casual sex, and weren’t really all that interested in sex. In those lucid dreams I could do whatever I wanted to do and I wouldn’t be condemned by society. Whilst I could enjoy the dreams, they weren’t real and so there were no consequences of my actions.
In real-life I was straight-jacketed by what society deemed sexually appropriate for women; lacking independence of mind and spirit, I was terrified of being labelled a slut and shunned accordingly by people I called my friends.
That’s why those dreams were so liberating – I didn’t have to worry about what people would think – I could just do what I wanted and nobody would find out. I remember when I woke-up inside my first dream and realised that I was lucid dreaming and what I was going to do with it – I was going to have sex of course, that bit was obvious. Instantaneously, the old terrors of what people would think gripped me. I vividly remember the feeling of overwhelming liberation when I realised that I didn’t have to worry about what other people would think; I wouldn’t have to be terrified that they would shun me. It was just a dream – everything that I was doing was not happening in reality and therefore I couldn’t be condemned for it.
It is only now, having learnt greater independence and having stopped worrying what other people think (because my actions are guided by my own internal code, based on rational principles, rather than the dictates of an outdated society), that I can be sexually liberated. Sexual liberation does not mean that I have to take multiple partners, have one-night stands, rampant lesbian sex and orgies every Saturday. Unless I want to, and it’s probable that I don’t. It means I’m free to explore what’s right for me, whilst respecting the rights of others, and without a care for society’s prudishness. Frequently when people express disapproval of a particular sexual act, it is an expression of their own sexual suppression.
Lucid dreaming is as vivid and feels as real as a normal dream; only you’re in control, and this is what makes it especially satisfying. If you can learn to lucid dream, and it’s not easy, then it can be a fun way to experience the kind of sex that you wouldn’t normally want to experience in reality. You may fantasise about threesomes or lesbian sex, whilst being aware that it’s not really for you. By experiencing it in a lucid dream, you can enjoy the voyeurism without suffering from the adverse effects of engaging in a sexual act which you’re not comfortable with. You also don’t have to worry about getting pregnant, contracting HIV or other STDs, or finding out that your partners are cheating on you. Be aware though that if my experience is anything to go by, if you’re sexually repressed in real-life you may find that you carry that repression over into your dreams; meaning the characters in your dreams won’t become wonderful lovers, unless you embrace assertiveness and tell them what you want (and remember, you control the dream characters).
It’s all safe, good fun.
Two points of caution though: 1) you lose out on deep sleep when you lucid dream and so don’t feel as rested when you wake-up, and 2) don’t let bonking in your dreams overrun your life.
What was incredibly liberating for me at that time was in those lucid dreams I was able to break-free of the rigid social conformity I’d been brought-up with. My sexual delights were not constrained by the dictates of what society deemed appropriate for women – namely that women didn’t have multiple partners, many sexual encounters, casual sex, and weren’t really all that interested in sex. In those lucid dreams I could do whatever I wanted to do and I wouldn’t be condemned by society. Whilst I could enjoy the dreams, they weren’t real and so there were no consequences of my actions.
In real-life I was straight-jacketed by what society deemed sexually appropriate for women; lacking independence of mind and spirit, I was terrified of being labelled a slut and shunned accordingly by people I called my friends.
That’s why those dreams were so liberating – I didn’t have to worry about what people would think – I could just do what I wanted and nobody would find out. I remember when I woke-up inside my first dream and realised that I was lucid dreaming and what I was going to do with it – I was going to have sex of course, that bit was obvious. Instantaneously, the old terrors of what people would think gripped me. I vividly remember the feeling of overwhelming liberation when I realised that I didn’t have to worry about what other people would think; I wouldn’t have to be terrified that they would shun me. It was just a dream – everything that I was doing was not happening in reality and therefore I couldn’t be condemned for it.
It is only now, having learnt greater independence and having stopped worrying what other people think (because my actions are guided by my own internal code, based on rational principles, rather than the dictates of an outdated society), that I can be sexually liberated. Sexual liberation does not mean that I have to take multiple partners, have one-night stands, rampant lesbian sex and orgies every Saturday. Unless I want to, and it’s probable that I don’t. It means I’m free to explore what’s right for me, whilst respecting the rights of others, and without a care for society’s prudishness. Frequently when people express disapproval of a particular sexual act, it is an expression of their own sexual suppression.
Lucid dreaming is as vivid and feels as real as a normal dream; only you’re in control, and this is what makes it especially satisfying. If you can learn to lucid dream, and it’s not easy, then it can be a fun way to experience the kind of sex that you wouldn’t normally want to experience in reality. You may fantasise about threesomes or lesbian sex, whilst being aware that it’s not really for you. By experiencing it in a lucid dream, you can enjoy the voyeurism without suffering from the adverse effects of engaging in a sexual act which you’re not comfortable with. You also don’t have to worry about getting pregnant, contracting HIV or other STDs, or finding out that your partners are cheating on you. Be aware though that if my experience is anything to go by, if you’re sexually repressed in real-life you may find that you carry that repression over into your dreams; meaning the characters in your dreams won’t become wonderful lovers, unless you embrace assertiveness and tell them what you want (and remember, you control the dream characters).
It’s all safe, good fun.
Two points of caution though: 1) you lose out on deep sleep when you lucid dream and so don’t feel as rested when you wake-up, and 2) don’t let bonking in your dreams overrun your life.
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Peak Erotic Experiences
In his book*, James Morin Ph.D. talks about peak turn-ons.
The great thing about peak turn-ons, like all other clear memories, is that they contain what Morin calls "'memorability factors' - characteristics that make any event stand out." If you ponder those times when you were really turned-on, certain snippets will jump-out. These memorability factors are one of the keys to getting more peak turn-ons - if you know what has turned you on in the past, you can go a long way in recreating such experiences in the future.
During his research, Morin found peak erotic experiences usually contained one or more of the following:
A first time or, the element of surprise
Halcyon locations/circumstance or partners
Time factors - quickies and drawn-out lovemaking
Once you know what turns you on, you can use this knowledge to make your 'bush exploring' even more pleasurable - by incorporating these pertinent memorability factors into your masturbation fantasies. What's great about a fantasy is if something isn't working, you can quickly modify it until you find what works. Once you have something that 'pushes the button', you can then go on to hone it - this honing can transform an exciting fantasy into something mind-blowing.
*The Erotic Mind: Unlocking the Inner Sources of Sexual Passion and Fulfilment.
The great thing about peak turn-ons, like all other clear memories, is that they contain what Morin calls "'memorability factors' - characteristics that make any event stand out." If you ponder those times when you were really turned-on, certain snippets will jump-out. These memorability factors are one of the keys to getting more peak turn-ons - if you know what has turned you on in the past, you can go a long way in recreating such experiences in the future.
During his research, Morin found peak erotic experiences usually contained one or more of the following:
A first time or, the element of surprise
Halcyon locations/circumstance or partners
Time factors - quickies and drawn-out lovemaking
Once you know what turns you on, you can use this knowledge to make your 'bush exploring' even more pleasurable - by incorporating these pertinent memorability factors into your masturbation fantasies. What's great about a fantasy is if something isn't working, you can quickly modify it until you find what works. Once you have something that 'pushes the button', you can then go on to hone it - this honing can transform an exciting fantasy into something mind-blowing.
*The Erotic Mind: Unlocking the Inner Sources of Sexual Passion and Fulfilment.
Monday, 13 October 2008
The Erotic Mind continued
Continuing on from my previous post on Jack Morin's excellent book, 'The Erotic Mind: Unlocking the Inner Sources of Sexual Passion and Fulfillment'.
Today I was reading about how important it is to fully accept our erotic thoughts; even though this is likely to reveal our innermost conflicts, eccentricities and unresolved emotional wounds. We fear our erotic thoughts because they make us feel 'naked' and we're afraid of being judged as 'bad' or 'abnormal' by others.
However, there is nothing to say that we have to tell anybody else what they are - ever - or we can choose to tell them to our partner when we become comfortable with them.
We're scared to accept our erotic thoughts, because we're afraid that if we do so, we'll be compelled to act them out and harm others or ourselves as a consequence of this. The truth is the opposite though - people who accept their erotic thoughts are unlikely to harm others. Like everything else about ourselves we fear, the adage, 'What we resist persists, what we accept dissolves' applies.
Self-acceptance and the willingness to suspend judgement, not only gives us the freedom to enjoy fantasy scenarios in the sanctuary of our own minds - fantasies that we may never want to experience in real-life - it is also a key to sexual self-discovery and the resultant enjoyment of more peak sexual experiences.
I'll talk about this more next time.
Today I was reading about how important it is to fully accept our erotic thoughts; even though this is likely to reveal our innermost conflicts, eccentricities and unresolved emotional wounds. We fear our erotic thoughts because they make us feel 'naked' and we're afraid of being judged as 'bad' or 'abnormal' by others.
However, there is nothing to say that we have to tell anybody else what they are - ever - or we can choose to tell them to our partner when we become comfortable with them.
We're scared to accept our erotic thoughts, because we're afraid that if we do so, we'll be compelled to act them out and harm others or ourselves as a consequence of this. The truth is the opposite though - people who accept their erotic thoughts are unlikely to harm others. Like everything else about ourselves we fear, the adage, 'What we resist persists, what we accept dissolves' applies.
Self-acceptance and the willingness to suspend judgement, not only gives us the freedom to enjoy fantasy scenarios in the sanctuary of our own minds - fantasies that we may never want to experience in real-life - it is also a key to sexual self-discovery and the resultant enjoyment of more peak sexual experiences.
I'll talk about this more next time.
Sunday, 12 October 2008
The Erotic Mind
I've just started reading 'The Erotic Mind: Unlocking the Inner Sources of Sexual Passion and Fulfilment' by Jack Morin Ph.D.
I value its scientific perspective and I'm all for research into this field - sex has been pushed underground for over two thousand years and it's only in the last 4 decades that it's been given a public airing.
Erotic thoughts are interesting; because they're frequently unique to the individual - what turns one woman on will leave another indifferent.
Erotic thoughts or sexual fantasies often help me to achieve a more intense orgasm. I've also learnt the hard way that it can mean the difference between pleasure and chronic frustration. I used to find it hard to turn myself on; I wanted to masturbate but wasn't in the right frame of mind. Having experienced previous vexation would make me desperate to cum all the more the next time I tried. Yet I knew from previous experience that erotic thoughts helped me cum, therefore it seems silly now that I didn't return to something that I knew worked. However, having been taught as a child that sex was wrong and certain thoughts were evil, I think I was scared of my erotic thoughts.
From sharing the above, I can say that one of the most important things I've gleaned from this book so far is that we don't condemn people for their thoughts - as thoughts do not equate to action. So long as they remain purely figments of a person's imagination then no harm has been caused to herself or anyone else. I say this because sexual fantasies regularly foray into no-go land, such as rape, etc. Again, I reiterate; they're just thoughts. And here's where we need to make the distinction that it is FANTASY and therefore far-removed from reality. To use the above example, lots of women have fantasies about being raped, that does not mean they want to be raped in real-life. Of course they don't.
What about bringing them into physical reality? What happens between two (or more) CONSENTING ADULTS is their business. The words 'consenting' and 'adults' mean everything.
I'll write again on erotic fantasies when I've read more of the book. Until then, I'll leave you with this suggestion: If you've ever struggled to cum through masturbation and don't yet engage your brain first in sexual fantasies - then try erotic thoughts and find out what works for you and what doesn't. You may be pleasurably surprised!
I value its scientific perspective and I'm all for research into this field - sex has been pushed underground for over two thousand years and it's only in the last 4 decades that it's been given a public airing.
Erotic thoughts are interesting; because they're frequently unique to the individual - what turns one woman on will leave another indifferent.
Erotic thoughts or sexual fantasies often help me to achieve a more intense orgasm. I've also learnt the hard way that it can mean the difference between pleasure and chronic frustration. I used to find it hard to turn myself on; I wanted to masturbate but wasn't in the right frame of mind. Having experienced previous vexation would make me desperate to cum all the more the next time I tried. Yet I knew from previous experience that erotic thoughts helped me cum, therefore it seems silly now that I didn't return to something that I knew worked. However, having been taught as a child that sex was wrong and certain thoughts were evil, I think I was scared of my erotic thoughts.
From sharing the above, I can say that one of the most important things I've gleaned from this book so far is that we don't condemn people for their thoughts - as thoughts do not equate to action. So long as they remain purely figments of a person's imagination then no harm has been caused to herself or anyone else. I say this because sexual fantasies regularly foray into no-go land, such as rape, etc. Again, I reiterate; they're just thoughts. And here's where we need to make the distinction that it is FANTASY and therefore far-removed from reality. To use the above example, lots of women have fantasies about being raped, that does not mean they want to be raped in real-life. Of course they don't.
What about bringing them into physical reality? What happens between two (or more) CONSENTING ADULTS is their business. The words 'consenting' and 'adults' mean everything.
I'll write again on erotic fantasies when I've read more of the book. Until then, I'll leave you with this suggestion: If you've ever struggled to cum through masturbation and don't yet engage your brain first in sexual fantasies - then try erotic thoughts and find out what works for you and what doesn't. You may be pleasurably surprised!
Friday, 10 October 2008
Female Maturbation: It feels good and it's good for us.
A lot of people still wonder, ‘If masturbation feels so good, can it really be bad for me?’ When really they should be asking, ‘As masturbation feels so good, can it also be good for me?’
The answer to the second question is a resounding ‘Yes’. [The answer to the first question is, of course, a resounding ‘no’.]
The old, false beliefs that masturbation makes you blind, mad, insensitive, insane or lethargic; can be replaced with these truthful pluses of masturbation. Masturbation is good for you; it makes you skin great and benefits your overall health. It improves your circulation, boosts your immune system and slaps a big smile on your face. It can be a wonderful way to unwind and relax and release stored-up tension. It’s also the safest form of sex; you can’t get pregnant or acquire a sexually transmitted disease from it.
With masturbation we can express love for ourselves. If a part of yourself recoils at the thought of loving yourself, because it’s considered bad in some way; realise that you can’t love anybody else until you have learnt to love yourself first (how can you if you’ve never experienced what it feels like). True. Additionally, ask yourself why it is okay to love other people, but not yourself? Let me clear-up a common misconception around self-love. People who commit heinous crimes are not those who love themselves too much; when people are referring to people who ‘love themselves too much’, they don’t mean true self-love; what they’re actually referring to are the personality traits (bragging, conceit, etc), which manifest in an attempt to cover-up self-hate. These people hate themselves because they have not learned to love themselves. They don’t love themselves because they’ve been told from an early age that to do so is evil, or they’ve never experienced love from parents who were also caught-up in the trap of believing that self-love is wrong.
Masturbation can help raise our self-esteem, by allowing us to explore and accept our bodies. Self-esteem is another positive character trait that has been given a negative press. People with high self-esteem (definition: feeling competent to live and worthy of living), are not the murderers, rapists and criminals of this world. They value their own lives too much; and because they value their own lives, they are able to value the lives of others. Plus, they’re too busy getting on with their own lives to mess it up by committing a crime. Self-esteem is essential to happiness and self-fulfilment and whilst it is not the focus of this blog, I’m made up that masturbation has a nurturing part to play in building self-esteem.
So, now you know. Masturbation not only feels good; it’s also good for us.
The answer to the second question is a resounding ‘Yes’. [The answer to the first question is, of course, a resounding ‘no’.]
The old, false beliefs that masturbation makes you blind, mad, insensitive, insane or lethargic; can be replaced with these truthful pluses of masturbation. Masturbation is good for you; it makes you skin great and benefits your overall health. It improves your circulation, boosts your immune system and slaps a big smile on your face. It can be a wonderful way to unwind and relax and release stored-up tension. It’s also the safest form of sex; you can’t get pregnant or acquire a sexually transmitted disease from it.
With masturbation we can express love for ourselves. If a part of yourself recoils at the thought of loving yourself, because it’s considered bad in some way; realise that you can’t love anybody else until you have learnt to love yourself first (how can you if you’ve never experienced what it feels like). True. Additionally, ask yourself why it is okay to love other people, but not yourself? Let me clear-up a common misconception around self-love. People who commit heinous crimes are not those who love themselves too much; when people are referring to people who ‘love themselves too much’, they don’t mean true self-love; what they’re actually referring to are the personality traits (bragging, conceit, etc), which manifest in an attempt to cover-up self-hate. These people hate themselves because they have not learned to love themselves. They don’t love themselves because they’ve been told from an early age that to do so is evil, or they’ve never experienced love from parents who were also caught-up in the trap of believing that self-love is wrong.
Masturbation can help raise our self-esteem, by allowing us to explore and accept our bodies. Self-esteem is another positive character trait that has been given a negative press. People with high self-esteem (definition: feeling competent to live and worthy of living), are not the murderers, rapists and criminals of this world. They value their own lives too much; and because they value their own lives, they are able to value the lives of others. Plus, they’re too busy getting on with their own lives to mess it up by committing a crime. Self-esteem is essential to happiness and self-fulfilment and whilst it is not the focus of this blog, I’m made up that masturbation has a nurturing part to play in building self-esteem.
So, now you know. Masturbation not only feels good; it’s also good for us.
health benefits,
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Kitty's Party
Kitty had a party today and to celebrate, Bunny made Kitty a Window (Battenburg) cake, because it's her favourite. With the extra marzipan, she created figurines of Kitty and herself, which Kitty loved and promptly took pictures for the website and blog.

This is Kitty holding her favourite vibrator 'Promises' (otherwise known as 'The Pink One') from the Ann Summers range.

This is Bunny, coveting Kitty's 'Pink One'.
This is Kitty holding her favourite vibrator 'Promises' (otherwise known as 'The Pink One') from the Ann Summers range.
This is Bunny, coveting Kitty's 'Pink One'.
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Why 'Exploring the Bush' for a Female Masturbation Blog?
'Exploring the bush' is of course an euphemism for female masturbation. We'll talk about this a bit more later; but first, some background.
The Victorians acted as though sex didn’t exist; it wasn’t something that ‘nice people did’. This is quite surprising really, considering they were still having babies. Fortunately, evolution has made sure that the act of reproducing new people feels incredibly pleasurable; plus despite pretending that sex didn’t exist, they did still want to carry on the family line. This is a good thing; otherwise we wouldn’t be here now.
Unfortunately, pretending something of universal importance doesn’t exist means it’s not discussed. It was commonplace for a woman to enter marriage knowing nothing about sex or how babies were made. She would usually receive a highly ambiguous, mumbled discourse from her embarrassed mother regarding ‘her husband’s needs’, just prior to her wedding night and that would be it. Nine month’s later, she would then give birth to her first child, frequently still unaware that her husband’s bedtime fumblings were what caused it. This discountenance of sex and its resultant confusion, continued well into the 1950s.
Needless to say, during this era few women enjoyed sex.
Thanks to the invention of the contraceptive pill in the 1960s and the subsequent sexual revolution, sex came out of the closet. Suddenly, it was okay to ‘do it’. With the publication of ‘The Joy of Sex’ in the 1970s, the focus was shifting from being exclusively something that men enjoyed (simply because their biological make-up makes orgasm easy for them), to something that could be pleasurable for women too. Gradually, over the last few decades, women have started to embrace orgasm and sexual fulfilment and more and more research is being done on how women can reach the ‘Big “O”’.
Having been pushed underground for so long, sex now commonly receives media coverage. In fact, sex now sells. Some may argue that the media overly uses sex in order to market its publications. Whatever your view on this; if sex is a huge selling point, it does indicate how important it is to us.
Whilst women will now chat happily with their friends about sex, what about ‘solo sex’? Yes, we mean masturbation. If we’re completely honest, whilst we may really enjoy the act and do it as often as possible, we don’t like the word much. The word has negative connotations still attached to it, not helped by the fact that the dictionary definition right up to the middle of the Twentieth Century was ‘self-abuse’. We’re sure you’re familiar with the dreadful consequences masturbation was once believed to inflict upon those lowly enough to indulge in it:
Fortunately, these misconceptions are largely a thing of the past. But we still don’t like the word. We had to come up with something else. Out of all the euphemisms for masturbation, ‘Exploring the Bush’ was our favourite; which is why we chose it as the name for our website. We also wanted to move away from the sleaziness that solo sex is still lumbered with; we think solo sex is fun and so wanted our website’s name to encompass this. Additionally, we see female masturbation as something that is exploratory; unlike its male counterpart, women reach orgasm in uniquely individual ways. [We don’t think we need to tell you which part of the female anatomy we mean by the ‘bush’.]
As two female, heterosexual friends, a year ago one of us happened to make a passing comment about solo sex to the other. Luckily, the other responded positively and since then the discussion of solo sex has been a common practice between us. We’ve learnt a lot. We’ve swapped tips. We like being able to openly discuss it between ourselves. Whilst solo sex may still not be as openly discussed as couple sex with other friends and colleagues, just having one person has made the world of difference.
We hope you too share your experiences of this most normal and common practice.
The Victorians acted as though sex didn’t exist; it wasn’t something that ‘nice people did’. This is quite surprising really, considering they were still having babies. Fortunately, evolution has made sure that the act of reproducing new people feels incredibly pleasurable; plus despite pretending that sex didn’t exist, they did still want to carry on the family line. This is a good thing; otherwise we wouldn’t be here now.
Unfortunately, pretending something of universal importance doesn’t exist means it’s not discussed. It was commonplace for a woman to enter marriage knowing nothing about sex or how babies were made. She would usually receive a highly ambiguous, mumbled discourse from her embarrassed mother regarding ‘her husband’s needs’, just prior to her wedding night and that would be it. Nine month’s later, she would then give birth to her first child, frequently still unaware that her husband’s bedtime fumblings were what caused it. This discountenance of sex and its resultant confusion, continued well into the 1950s.
Needless to say, during this era few women enjoyed sex.
Thanks to the invention of the contraceptive pill in the 1960s and the subsequent sexual revolution, sex came out of the closet. Suddenly, it was okay to ‘do it’. With the publication of ‘The Joy of Sex’ in the 1970s, the focus was shifting from being exclusively something that men enjoyed (simply because their biological make-up makes orgasm easy for them), to something that could be pleasurable for women too. Gradually, over the last few decades, women have started to embrace orgasm and sexual fulfilment and more and more research is being done on how women can reach the ‘Big “O”’.
Having been pushed underground for so long, sex now commonly receives media coverage. In fact, sex now sells. Some may argue that the media overly uses sex in order to market its publications. Whatever your view on this; if sex is a huge selling point, it does indicate how important it is to us.
Whilst women will now chat happily with their friends about sex, what about ‘solo sex’? Yes, we mean masturbation. If we’re completely honest, whilst we may really enjoy the act and do it as often as possible, we don’t like the word much. The word has negative connotations still attached to it, not helped by the fact that the dictionary definition right up to the middle of the Twentieth Century was ‘self-abuse’. We’re sure you’re familiar with the dreadful consequences masturbation was once believed to inflict upon those lowly enough to indulge in it:
- Blindness
- Short-sightedness
- Death
- Madness
- Hairiness
- Early-onset puberty
Fortunately, these misconceptions are largely a thing of the past. But we still don’t like the word. We had to come up with something else. Out of all the euphemisms for masturbation, ‘Exploring the Bush’ was our favourite; which is why we chose it as the name for our website. We also wanted to move away from the sleaziness that solo sex is still lumbered with; we think solo sex is fun and so wanted our website’s name to encompass this. Additionally, we see female masturbation as something that is exploratory; unlike its male counterpart, women reach orgasm in uniquely individual ways. [We don’t think we need to tell you which part of the female anatomy we mean by the ‘bush’.]
As two female, heterosexual friends, a year ago one of us happened to make a passing comment about solo sex to the other. Luckily, the other responded positively and since then the discussion of solo sex has been a common practice between us. We’ve learnt a lot. We’ve swapped tips. We like being able to openly discuss it between ourselves. Whilst solo sex may still not be as openly discussed as couple sex with other friends and colleagues, just having one person has made the world of difference.
We hope you too share your experiences of this most normal and common practice.
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